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CovenDivine Spirits ► Latest on Edu. Vids.
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Latest on Edu. Vids.
Post # 1
So the latest series I've posted on my youtube is now available in the coven video section here. It's about how to live a pagan life style. We talk about the different aspects of Wicca as well as shamanism and occasional druidism here, but how do we really apply what we learn. The series I made (which isn't complete yet and is 6 parts long at this point) will help give you some tips and ways to show you how to incorporate the pagan life style into everyday life. If you would prefer to watch the video's directly on youtube you can watch them here -

or if you didn't even know we had a coven video section, you can check out those video's here (at this time there are 81 video's for the coven) -

Enjoy my friends.

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