
CovenDivine Spirits ► ContactingGuardianAngels
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Post # 1
I came across something once about contacting one's own guardian angel. It was from the Mind, Body, and Spirit Collection. It is a company that ships and produces Pagan friendly products. They sent my cousin a binder that had techniques in it that you could try and the above mentioned was one of them.

I have listed that technique here. If anyone tries it let me know how it goes, if you would be so kind.

1. Find a peaceful and quiet spot at which you will not be bothered.

2. Let go of all negative emotions so that your Angel(s) may contact you more easily.

3. Take a few minutes to be thankful for all that you have, think good thoughts, and try to remain relaxed and centered.

4. Breathe deeply. Allow your body to relax even more so on each outward breath. Imagine yourself breathing golden light until you are enclosed in an egg or sphere of gold. (Angels find it easier to connect or contact you when your aura is gold).

5. Mentally ask the Angel to step into your aura and touch you. Expect a physical sensation, or fragrance, or feeling of great love. You may feel the light touch of an Angel wing on your face or a waft of air across your face. Even if you don't trust and believe that the Angel has heard you and come to your side.

6. Now ask the Angel for his or her name. Accept the first name that comes to you. If help is needed you may ask for it.

Note: Remember that your Guardian Angel is always near and ready to assist you when you need it most. With time and effort you may be able to strengthen the bond between the two of you.

Blessed Be and Brightest Blessings,

Re: ContactingGuardianAngels
Post # 2
I love your post!

Re: ContactingGuardianAngels
Post # 3
Thanks, I try my best. ;)

Blessed Be and Brightest Blessings,

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