
CovenDeep Arts ► Carkanism

Re: Carkanism
Post # 21
Ugh, how many times must I say that I'm a failure. I will be posting a spell either tomorrow or the next day and that'll basically close this thread up except for questions.

Re: Carkanism
Post # 22
I don't know how many times I can say I'm an epic failure before I can't say it anymore, but I have a good excuse this time. I had twins a week ago, and have been busy as all get out since, anyways, onto the spell.

This is a mental healing spell that is supposed to bring something similar to inner peace (on a temporary level)

Okay before starting it, I would like to say that I do not recommend the practice of this type of spell.

1. 4 Raw Smoky Quartz
2. A stick of incense and incense holder (stronger smelling like cinnamon preferred)
3. A black pillar candle
4. A bowl of water
5. An athame
6. matches or lighter
7. Piece of cloth


Trace out a small mental circle designed for single meditation, go to the origin (center) with the above items. Then sit down cross-legged facing north.
Use your fingers dipped in the water to physically draw the circle, and proceed to place bowl with remaining water in front of you.
Then place a smoky quartz in each of the four directions on the circle.
Place athame so it resting on the bowl of water, tip of knife pointing north.
Light the incense and place it in it's holder, placing that on the right side of the bowl, then light candle and place it on the left side.
Pick up the knife draw the symbols yr, peorth, and feoh in the air above the bowl. Then using the athame gently cut your other hand and allow a couple drops of blood to fall in the bowl.
Use cloth to stanch bleeding
Then chant the following lines three times:

Heal me, cleanse me, change me, save me.
Bring me back to myself, heal me now.
Purify my mind, cleanse me here.
Bring me back to myself, change me now.
Purify my mind, save me here.

Close the circle, sleep it out, and see if you feel better the next day.

Re: Carkanism
Post # 23
Congrats on your twins. :D
Kids are a perfectly reasonable distraction.


Re: Carkanism
Post # 24
Wow, twins! Congrats Jadi! Blessings and best wishes for their future and your sanity ;)

Took me a while to absorb everything I read in this post, but thank you for shedding light on the topic. I heard from my father of Carkanism, but you have provided me with even more information. Many thank you's.

I have a question- My father inferred that the freemasons were involved in Carkanism, have you ever heard anything about that?

No Subject
Post # 25
Congrants no the twins

Re: Carkanism
Post # 26
Congratulations on you twins hun :)

Re: Carkanism
Post # 27
Okay, I am sorry for not being online, at all, but on the second I lost my younger sister to a car wreck and have been very busy as well as grief stricken.

In answer to your question AngelaBlack, no I hadn't heard of the freemasons being involved, but I wouldn't say that with certainty one way or the other as I was only an active member for a little over eighteen months

Re: Carkanism
Post # 28
hello jad well done on the twins we are here to talk iff you need take care my love

Re: Carkanism
Post # 29
I can answer the question about the Freemasons. My father is one and he can tell you for a fact that they have had no dealings in magic, especially magic as...intense as Carkanism

Re: Carkanism
Post # 30
My father was a Freemason too. I'm not referring to the modern watered down guys, I'm talking waaaay back, 300+ years. I wish he was still alive.