Hi Everyone

CovenDivine Spirits ► Hi Everyone
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Hi Everyone
Post # 1
First I would like to thank your Wonderful Priest and Priestess for allowing us this Wonderful opportunity to come into your coven and be apart of your family here..My name is Drakkenwitch and I am the Priestess of Spirit Seers and I would like to personally invite the members of this coven to come in and feel free to make a post or introduce yourselves to our members and become apart of our family in our coven as well..I'm looking forward to getting to know each one of you and to reading your post in not only this coven but ours as well..Thank you for Reading this and Thanks for reading this post.

Re: Hi Everyone
Post # 2
Greetings and welcome. Also, when I went to your coven it didn't show the link to the coven forum, so I was unable to post an introduction.

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