Safety Spells

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Safety Spells
Post # 1
Alright so I know a couple of good spells for safety.But I would like to know and try some new ones. If you know of any that work well, or that you simply just like the best, then I would like to check them out and give them a try. I know these to work pretty well for me

Angel of life
My guardian dear
To whom sweet love commits me here
Ever this day be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide

Earth to earth, angels to ancestors, heath to hearth, treasure to treasure, riches to riches, bring blessings of the Mother upon me,Earth.

I left some out in that one, it's rather long, and there are a few things I forgot.But I have it on paper for when I need it.
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Re: Safety Spells
Post # 2
So should I post this somewhere else?

Any suggestions here? I need some help, I wouldn't of made this thread otherwise.
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