Is this possible? (Herbs)

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Is this possible? (Herbs)
Post # 1
I mixed some herbs that I know attract people and my intentions was to attract people and family members to this party “get together”…As soon as I began to mix these herbs and I hadn’t even cast a spell the phone started ringing off the hook literally and then my cousins called up say “oh what’s going on at your house I really want to come down…..It was weird can Herbs have this effect?. Even if you haven’t spoken a spell but you’re thought of certain things happening in your head.
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Re: Is this possible? (He
Post # 2
I think so, yes. Once I woke up late (I wanted to make a prosperity charm bag for my brother's roommate who's looking for a job... but it was supposed to be done while the moon was still in Aquarius) and thought to just bag the ingredients: one tiny bay leaf for accomplishment, 3 cloves for wealth, pinch of nutmeg dust for generosity, a shiny penny for renewal, and a malachite crystal chip to charge. I was a little frustrated that I couldn't put a whole effort of spell-performance into it, but I felt the charm sing just when I pulled the drawstrings closed, thought 'huh?' gave it to her anyway -- and what do you know, she got the job.
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Re: Is this possible? (He
Post # 3
Yes, herbs are very powerful they hold every medicine. But choose herbs wisely... you may have gotten lucky and created something new. Next time could be a different story... perhaps not a good one. Before using herbs you must research a lot about it. It is just like edible plants... you want to know what your looking for because there is deadly look a likes.
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Re: Is this possible? (He
Post # 4
IceWitch i think that in your case, it wasent the herbs but you,
i think it was the viziulization that attracted her!
Keep working on it!
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Re: Is this possible? (He
Post # 5
Yes, herbs have tons of energy so it is possible. In this case, it sounds like you did the magic in your mind so powerfully that you were getting results before you even mixed the ingredients. It's a great sign of your power and focus developing. Blessings! Ren
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