
CovenHealers of Light ► Meditations
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Post # 1
I haven't been on for a long time because I am working on Healing Meditations.

Try test out these meditation for me, and give me some comments.

REMEMBER: Do it naturally and relax, don't push yourself. Pressure would only make it worse.

1) Meditation on Memory
:Randomly take out 5 words from a book and keep recalling them from memory for a day or so. The longer you do that, the more powerful your brain cells would get.

2) Meditation on Healing
:Stand straight or Sit straight on a chair relax, breathe naturally and tell yourself "Relax" on the body that you want to heal and relax.

3) Meditation on Focusing and Concentration
:Walk naturally and slowly and when you step out with your left foot, say "left" and with your right foot say "right", don't think of anything and breathe naturally.

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