What spells have you done

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What spells have you done
Post # 1
What spells have you done and which ones were the most powerful?
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Re: What spells have you
Post # 2
cooling spell works
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Re: What spells have you done
Post # 3
The only one that really worked for me was "Dreaming of Love"
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Re: What spells have you done
Post # 4
There are two that are at the top of my list.

The first was when I was doing time and the lag in the next peter passed me a note through the gap where the heating pipe went through to inform me he was going to top himself owing to some bad grief he was getting from three cockneys. I didn't have a candle, nor my coloured pens, nor my home-made paper, so I scribbled the spell on some bog-roll.

The next day one of perpetrators was shipped off to the moor for attacking someone with a battery wrapped in a sock, another broke the news that his transfer had come through and would be leaving tomorrow and the other was hospitalised by a Welshman and never returned. It was this spell that made me aware of two things. The first was that we just don't need the apparatus and the second, more important things was what I've dubbed the greylight. I knew damn well the transfer guy had not even put in for it. So did a lot of others and yet nobody commented, other than to shrug their shoulders. I didn't pursue it. What would have been the point? Yet somehow the blanks in the past had changed which made his transfer possible. I've now witnessed the greylight on two other occassions.

The second one I went to great trouble to perform, realising the more concentration you put in, the more successful it will be. Not only did I make my own paper, specific to the task, but also the candle, and this bugger was really important.

I was going through a divorce that wasn't of my choosing. Perhaps I could have saved it by spelling but decided that I'd won the woman with a spell (the third I'd ever done) and come to the conclusion that action hadn't been right. It was messing around with free will.

Unfortunately there was another guy involved, but look, as I discovered two years later, he wasn't sleeping with my wife and in fact is gay. But he was interferring in a 14 year relationship and taking sides on the information gathered from only one.

After we'd been separated a few months I found this guy was still popping up in conversation from my young children. But what really did it was when they went to Europe on business (they had a trucking business) and stopped over in Paris. In the words from Casablanca 'We'll always have Paris' this is what I thought we had, but now here was this guy taking my kids up the Eiffel Tower, a job that should have been mine.

So I decided to kill the guy, but of course this was anathema to me. What else then? How about sending him away, far enough that his name would no longer be uttered?

So that's what I did. I made a niding pole with a horses head made from clay and at midnight, on the dark of the moon I found a holly bush in the woods, stripped off bollicky-boo-tee-aye-taboo-bollicky-aye-taboo, focused in the directioin and did the works. A prick getting pricked on his prick by prickles.

And it worked. Within a week I discovered he'd gone to Taiwan to marry a Taiwanese gent he'd met off the internet.

His name has rarely cropped up since. Now I understand he is back and living with his lover in a container near Southampton. Sexy-exy has since moved in with a black-belt kick-boxer. Seems a decent enough guy. Well, I have to say that don't I.

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Re: What spells have you
Post # 5
I've used a Calming chant and a protection spell. Oddly enough when I was in situations when I needed to use them I started randomly saying them without knowing it. It only happens when I really need them..
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Re: What spells have you done
Post # 6
the spell that did work with me is "PENDULIOM COMUNECATION"
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Re: What spells have you
Post # 7
I once did a spell to cool what i was sitting on. I was sitting on top of a car relaxing to do a spell, and car had been in sunlight along time and was really hot. I managed to cool a square patch of it down and all the rest was hot.
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Re: What spells have you
Post # 8
wind,warmth and sun spells have all worked 4 me the 1st time xD
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Re: What spells have you done
Post # 9
A sort of binding spell and a stop the bleed spell,
the first is starting to work and the second worked more or less from the first time
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Re: What spells have you done
Post # 10
-Spirit lifting spell (to make u more happy a bit)

-Healing spells (i healed my headache)

-Wishing Spell (worked for one day And the decision was totally awkward but the next day the wish was broke so the YES turned into NO)

-find a lost item
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