Crystal Healing Part 4

CovenHealers of Light ► Crystal Healing Part 4
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Crystal Healing Part 4
Post # 1
(Sorry it's been so long since I've written one of my lessons. As most of you know I've had a crazy week.)

Crystal wands are shaped into long cylendars with one rounded end and one pointed end. Using wands is very similar to using penduliums but the healer control of the movement. It is also a good way for said healer to sharpen their inuition.

First have the subject lay on their back with their legs and arms straight yet relaxed. Next take the wand with the point up and start at the feet going in small circles in a windershins (counter-clockwise) direction up the body stopping in areas that you feel need work. (Only move on to the next part when you feel satisfied tat that area is completely cleared.)Remember this is an intuition thing so let your arm go as it pleases. Once you have reached the top of the head turn the wand so that the point is toward the subject. Go down the body this time going in clockwise circles.


Tiger's Eye

1. Protects against the "evil eye", demons and witchcraft

2. Diverts unwanted energy

3. Confuses oposition

4. Releases stuck or congested states of mind

5. Sooths physically and mentally

6. Builds confidence

7. Encourages contact with other people


1. Enhances and strengthens aura

2. Connects to the spirit world

3. Strengthens all the organs

4. Balances all subtle systems such as the heart, thymus, and throat chakras.

5. Neutralizes environmental negitivity

6. Cools emotions

7. Calms overactive thoughts

8. Enhances intuition and psychic skills


1. Associated with longevity

2. Helps living people connect with their ancestors and protects the spirits of the dead

3. Balances our heart chakra

4. Helps with our relatioship with other people

5. Increases one's sense of belonging

6. Enhances your ability to react appropriatley and effectively

7. Relaxes us at a deep level so the healing proscess speeds up.

Re: Crystal Healing Part 4
Post # 2
What about a sun stone? Omgoth I love those!!! even better a GARNET, but that's a birth stone so nevermind on that one.

Re: Crystal Healing Part 4
Post # 3
Don't worry I only do a few per post. I'll get to it. :D

Re: Crystal Healing Part 4
Post # 4
LOL! I got too carried away. ^^ Well thank you for posting such valuable info.

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