Hands on healing

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Hands on healing
Post # 1
hands on healing ,also know as energy,radiant or spiritual healing, has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years, in greek mythology, chiron,the wise centaur taught asclepius, the god of medicine hands-on-healing, this practice was so revered that grecian statues of asclepius were made with gold-gilted hands , celebrating the power to touch to heal, This was also the source of the caduceus , modern medicines symbol of healing and the word chi-ergy,which evolved into surgery later, in christianity we were told countless stories of christs ability to heal using the laying of hands ,jesus further told his disciples in john 14:12: he who belives in me will also have the worka to do that i do, and greater works , than these will he do .humankind was truly given a profound legacy in hands on healing .


Many people forget the hand chakras these are smaller and just as important ,the main chakra is located in the palms of both hands, depending if you are right or left handed depends on their use... most of us are righthanded , our left hand chakra pulls in the energy and our right hand sends it out , left handed people it is the opposit way round. if you however use both hands the prodominent hand is the one that sends out the energy , it is important to cleanse your hand chakras to get rid of the negative energy you pick up in everyday society by touching things others have touched .

The Human Energy System

In the energy system that we each are, the energy is in a constant state of flow. This flow of energy is regulated by seven energy pumps, called chakras. Each chakra represents specific emotions and levels of perception, elements of the Being's consciousness, and is also associated with specific parts of the body, specific functions within the body, specific endocrine glands, and specific nerve groups. Responses to a Being's perceived universe are reflected in the chakras as well.

The chakras have an optimal state of balance and flow. A healing of the individual balances the chakras. When this happens, in addition to restoring inner balance and a different state of consciousness, as well as physical balance, the rebalancing will also define different responses to the Being's perceived universe.

In other words, with a given state of balance of the chakras, a certain type of experience will be attracted to the individual, and certain types of people will be attracted, as well. When the energy changes in the chakras, as in a healing, the magnetic effect drawing a particular kind of person or experience is then released, along with the old way of responding.

For example, one Being, having different interactions with his/her mother may respond by blocking the chakra associated with security or trust. The effect would be insecurity as a perceptual filter. The individual would then attract precarious situations to justify the insecurity, as well as females who would remind that Being of his/her mother. When the chakra is cleared, the type of female formerly attracted would be attracted instead to other Beings with the same kind of blocked chakra as that formerly experienced by the Being who was healed, leaving room for interactions for that Being with females of a different energy. In addition, interactions with the mother-archetype will have a different resolution, more satisfying. Situations presented to the Being will also have more of a sense of solidity.

We can see, then, that not only do the chakras reflect the outer environment, but in a way they also create it.

With minor adjustments in a Being's energy system, only slight shifts in consciousness would be apparent. In the case of catastrophic illnesses, however, the Being was in desperate need of a major adjustment in consciousness, and then the aspects of transformation would be more profound.

Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. This healing art is an effective delivery system. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel that supplies healing energies where they are most needed. Reiki's ki-energies flow out of the practitioner's body through the palms of the hands while they are touching the recipient's body.
What to Expect During a Reiki Healing Session
You will be asked to lay down on a massage table, couch, or bed. You will be fully clothed except for your shoes. You may also be asked to remove or loosen your belt so that your breathing is not restricted in any way. It is best to choose loose-fitting garments to wear on the day of your appointment. Wearing natural fabrics is best (cotton, wool, or linen). You may also be asked to remove any jewelry (rings, bracelets, pendants, etc.) prior to the session, so consider leaving these items at home.

Healing Touch
During the Reiki healing session the practitioner will place his hands lightly on different parts of your body. Some Reiki practitioners will follow a predetermined sequence of hand placements, allowing their hands to rest on each body placement for 2 to 5 minutes before moving on to the next. Empathic practitioners will freely move their hands in no particular order to the areas where they ''feel'' Reiki is most needed. Some Reiki practitioners do not actually touch their clients. Instead, they will hover their lifted palms a few inches above the reclined body. Either way, Reiki energies flow where they are suppose to. Reiki is a smart energy that automatically flows where the imbalances are in your body regardless of where the practitioner's hands are placed.
Phantom Hands
Because Reiki energies flow to where they are most needed there is a Reiki phenomenon called ''phantom hands'' that you may or may not experience. Phantom hands feel as if the Reiki practitioner's hands are touching one part of your body when they are actually elsewhere. For example, you may be able to see that the healer's hands are actually placed on your stomach, but you could swear that hands are touching your legs. Or, you may feel as if several pairs of hands are on your body at the same time as if several people are in the room with you.

blessed be to all that read this sue x

Re: Hands on healing
Post # 2
Excellent sue, i love your posts, as a healer and reiki master i especially love this one, xx

Re: Hands on healing
Post # 3
Thankyou Hecate hun , i try to do post that are educational and informative .
blessed be all sue xx

Re: Hands on healing
Post # 4
i know hun, you're much appreciated, thanx and well done, xx

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