
CovenDarkness Rising ► Wicca
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Post # 1
Wicca - at first I had no problem what's so ever with it
but now I started noticing more and more how hard it is to find a spell or a ritual online which is not of wiccan religions
and whenever you say that you're pagan so many people immediately assume that you're wiccan
and there are very few people who know that "witch" is not the same thing as "wiccan"
NOT all witches are Wicca
not to mention that Wicca is a fairly new religion
there are some people around who believe that Wicca existed ages above ages starting in the medieval times hiding from the hush conservative and extremist christian church which by their claims is the origin of all those folk stories which are based on witches who practice sorcery and worship the devil
this emanates from Gerald Gardner's own claims on the matter
but of course that any person who had time to look into it accurately enough realizes that this is impossible
there we're no "Law of Three" before Gardner
it is obvious that he is the one who came up with it
it is crustal clear that Wicca started with Gardner
and it is completely different from any of the things which I list below:
1.Western Occult Tradition (including Kabbalah)
2.Traditional Folk Witchcraft
3.Eastern Spirituality
5.Traditional pre-christian traditions and religions of the ancient cultures (including ancient Judaism and Eastern religions)
6.Any form of Satanism (theistic and athestic alike both of which originated themselves from christian sects)

Re: Wicca
Post # 2
I understand how you feel many people do the same to me mainlly because they know I follow the old ways I beleive in Crowley's slogan"Do what Thou Wilt Shall be The whole of The Law . I've read much of his work (Crowleys including magick without tears, Necronomicon his and the Grimoirium-Imperium a Different version the Orginal Dr. John Dee version thats accurate coupled with Crowleys you have the complete Necronomicon .
I am getting sick of wicca as I have been mislabeled as many others have as so called orginating from that trend of the hippie era no offence put it tires one out.

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