candle magic course 2

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candle magic course 2
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2. All About Skull and other Figure Candles:

Though the use of novelty style, shaped candles has a longer history of usage in Hoodoo and Root-work, they are definitely gaining ground within the rest of the metaphysical community. Like other tools, they provide a deeper focus for ritual and spell work, thus enabling practitioners to produce more effective results. While someone with a background in Hoodoo may already know the intents and purpose behind a particular kind of shaped candle, those with a Wiccan or European-focused magical background may be unfamiliar with their unique properties.

While many correlate the skull with death (and often terror), it has a much deeper connection to other aspects of the spirit world. Many European tribes used the skull to hold the essence of its owner, recalled in the Celtic tale of Bran the Blessed, whose head traveled and spoke with his companions long after death, and was eventually interred in a hill, to forever protect the land from invasion.

Considered to be the very seat of the soul, the place where individual godhood and person-hood resides, as well as your direct connection to the Divine, the skull symbol is often used to bring matters to "a head", to quickly resolve a situation, or to call upon Ancestors or patron deities for assistance in a difficult matter. While color correspondences are similar to other aspects of candle magic, they have a unique twist when applied to skull candles. Of course, every practitioner can (and should) have their own color associations, built by Tradition, study, and most importantly, individual practice and success. I strongly suggest that you use the color correspondences that have traditionally worked well for you, with a strong nod towards the unique properties of these very special candles.

Other Types of figure candles and their meanings:

Figure Candles in Magick

Female Candle: (White) Feminine Mysteries, Contacting the Goddess, Healing a Woman, Love Magick to draw a female to you, Protecting a Woman form another.

* Green - Fertility, Good Fortune, Wealth, Healing a Woman.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility.
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection from a Woman.

Male Candle: (White) Masculine Mysteries, Contacting the Horned God, Healing a Man, Love Magick to draw a man to you, Protecting a man form another.

* Green - Fertility, Good Fortune, Wealth, Healing a Man.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility.
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection from a Man.

Cat Candle: (White) Familiar protection, luck, hexing, unhexing.

* Black - Banishing, Binding
* Red - Lust, Fertility, Love, Relationships
* Green - Healing a Pet.

Egyptian Cat Candle: (White) Divination and contacting divine spirits.

Cat w/ Tail Up: Hex-breaking, Reversing Black Magick, Uncrossing, Stopping Slander and Gossip.

Floral Candle: (White) Sanctification, Banishing

* Black - Banishing, Binding.
* Red - Lust, Fertility, Love, Relationships, Healing.

Snake: (White) Serpent mysteries and the protection of women. Spirituality and divine mysteries.

* Red - Lust, Love, Removing Obstacles b/w Lovers, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility.
* Black - Returning Evil Vibrations Back to the Sender, Banishing, Binding.

Skull: (White) Necromancy, Contacting the Dead, Protection.

* Red - Preventing Fertility.
* Black - Stops Psychic Attacks, Returns Black Magick to Sender, Banishing, Binding.

Male Genital/Penis Candle:

* Green - Fertility, Good Fortune, Masculine Mysteries, Success, Wealth.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Potency, Vitality.
* Black - Preventing Fertility, Reducing a Man's Libido.

Female Genital :

* White - Feminine Mysteries, Goddess Invocation.
* Green - Healing a Woman, Promoting Growth.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility.
* Black - Preventing Fertility, Crone Mysteries.

Adam and Eve (Lovers) Candle:

* Green - Fertility.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Fertility.
* Black - Ending a Relationship, Moving on from an Old Relationship, Preventing an Old Love from Contacting You.

Marriage Candle:

* Green - Fertility.
* Red - Fidelity, Strengthening Family Unity.
* Black - Ending a Relationship, Transformation After Divorce.

Devil Candle:

* Red - Lust, Hedonistic Pleasure.
* Black - Banishing, Exorcism, Binding, Protection Against Spirit Possession.

Seven Knob Candle: (White) Protection, Wish Magick, General Spell Intentions.

* Green - Fertility, Good Fortune, Wealth, Healing, Green Magick, Fertility (Plant or Earth).
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility (Human or Animal).
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection.

Nine Day Candle / Glass Container: (White) Devotional candle to a deity. Can be used as an altar candle or a wish candle in spell work.

* Green - Fertility, Good Fortune, Wealth, Healing.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility.
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection from a Woman.

Baphomet Candle:

* Red - Lust, Love, Pleasure, Fertility.
* Black - Banishing, Binding.

Goddess Candle: Divine Rituals to Contact the Goddess.

* Green - Fertility, Healing, Wildlife Rituals.
* Red - Fertility.

Witch Candle:

* Green - Wortcunning and Green Magick Rituals.
* Red - Raising Energy.
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection from Another Sorceress.

Wolf Candle:

* White - Power Rituals to Become the Leader of an Organization or Group.
* Black - Rituals to Control the Leader of an Organization or Group.

Lamp Candle: (White) Protection, Wish Magick.

* Green - Fertility, Good Fortune, Wealth, Healing.
* Red - Lust, Love, Romance, Healing, Energizing, Fertility.
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection.

Spiral Candle: (White) Goddess Mysteries, Divination, Spirituality.

* Red - Fertility.
* Black - Banishing, Binding.

Flame Candle: (White) Protection.

* Red - Fire Elemental Rituals, Fertility, Healing.
* Black - Banishing, Binding, Protection.

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