
CovenDivine Spirits ► Correspondences
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Post # 1
Blue Berry - Burn this to keep unwanted influences away from your home and property.

Blue Roses - Is specially crafted to honour the Goddess in all her aspects.

Carnations - This is a sweet floral scent traditionally used for healing.

Cherry - Is sacred to Venus, this blend will attract and stimulate love.

Cinnamon -Is used to gain wealth and success.

Coconut - Burn this for protection and purification.

Copal - Is sacred to the Mayan and Aztecs, this blend is suitable for honoring the Gods.

Frangipani - Burn this to brighten your home with friendship and love.

Frankincense - Use this to draw upon the energy of the sun to create sacred space, consecrate objects, and stimulate positive vibrations.

Honeysuckle - Burn this for good health, luck, and psychic power.

Jasmine - Is used for luck in general, especially in matters relating to love.

Lotus - Is used for inner peace and outer harmony, to aid in meditation and open the mind's eye.

Musk - Burn this for courage and vitality, or to heighten sensual passion.

Myrrh - This is ancient incense for protection, healing, purification and spirituality.

Passionflower - Is used for peace of mind, this sweet scent will soothe troubles and aid in sleep problems.

Patchouli - Is an earthy scent used in money and attraction spells.

Pine - Burn this for strength, and to reverse negative energies.

Rose - Is used for love magic, and to return calm energies to the home.

Sandalwood - Is a delicious all-purpose scent used to heal and protect, also for purification.

Spice - Is a fiery scent and used for any magic workings.

Spirit - Use this to raise your personal vibration, attract spirit guides and honour your personal deity.

Strawberry - Is used for love, luck and friendship.

Tangerine - A solar aroma used to attract prosperity.

Temple - Devotional incense used on the altar during ritual.

Vanilla - Is used to stimulate amorous appetites and enhance memory.

Re: Correspondences
Post # 2

Black – Are used for Banishing evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals, Crone Magic, Mourning a loss, Meditation, Feminine Divinity, Samhain. Also used in rituals to induce a deep meditational state. This candle attracts Saturn energy.

Light Blue - Is a spiritual colour and is helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations. It brings peace and tranquillity to the home and radiates Aquarius energy. Use in situations that need to be synthesized.

Royal Blue - Is the colour of Loyalty and is used to promote Laughter and Joviality. Use it to promote Jupiter energy and whenever an influence needs to be increased.

Blue – Is symbolic of the spirits of the West, and the elements of Water. It is used in rituals to obtain Wisdom, Peace, Healing, Tranquillity, Truth, Sleep, Prophetic Dreams, Friendship, Physical Protection and Hope.

Brown – Is symbolic of the spirits of the North, and the elements Earth. It is used for rituals involving Animal Magic and the Home in regards to Material Increase. It eliminates Indecisiveness and improves the Powers of Concentration, Study and Telepathy. Use it also for increasing Financial Success and for locating Lost Objects.

Gold – Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic influences. Use it in rites intended to bring about fast luck or money. When communicating with Solar Deities and for honouring the Gods. This candle generates solar energy.

Grey – Is a neutral colour and is useful when pondering complex issues during meditation. In magic, this colour often sparks confusion. It also negates and/or neutralizes a negative influence.

Emerald Green - This candle is important in Venusian rituals. It attracts Love, Social Delights and Fertility.

Dark Green – Are used for Beauty, Employment, Fertility, Healing, Success, Good Luck, Prosperity, Heart Matters, Money and Masculine Divinity. Being the colour of Ambition, Greed and Jealousy, it can be used to counteract these influences in a ritual.

Orange – Are used for Creativity, Attraction, Stimulating Energy, Legal Matters, Success, New Home, Intelligence and Mental Clarity. It charges and recharges the intellect and combines with any other candles to stimulate their actions. Use for rituals stipulating Mercury energy, and sometimes-solar energy. Also used during Samhain.

Pink – Promotes Romance and Friendship, and is the standard colour used for rituals to draw affections. It is used for Love, Honour, Friendship and Fidelity. A colour of femininity, it brings lively conversation to the dinner table.

Purple – Are used for Psychic Ability, Wisdom, Spirituality, Success, Independence, Spiritual Growth, Power, Healing and the Feminine Divine. Ideal for rituals to secure Ambitions and Financial Rewards. Increases Neptune energy.

Red – Is symbolic of the spirits of the South, and the elements of Fire. It is used for Strength, Courage, Power, Passion, Health, Energy, Vitality, Love and Will Power. It increases magnetism in rituals and draws on Aries and Scorpio energy.

Silver – Is used to remove Negativity, encourage Stability and helps to develop Psychic abilities. Use for Protection, Honouring the Goddess, Telepathy and Clairvoyance. This candle attracts the influence of the Goddess.

White – Is a balance of all colours and is used for Meditation, Healing, Truth Seeking, Peace, Spiritual Strength and Enlightenment, Rituals involving "Lunar" energy, Purity, Protection, Happiness, Masculine Divinity, and may be substituted for any other colours.

Yellow – Is symbolic of the spirits of the East, and the elements of Air. It is used for Charms, Confidence, Attraction, Wisdom, Visions, Psychic Powers, Mental Powers, Activity, Creativity and Unity. Use it to bring the power of concentration and imagination to the success of a ritual. Also used in rituals where you need to gain someone's confidence or need to persuade someone. This candle generates solar energy.

Magenta - Is a combination of Red and Violet that oscillates on a high frequency. It energizes rituals where immediate action is needed, or high levels of power and spiritual healing are required.

Indigo - Is the colour of inertia. It is used to stop situations or people’s intentions. Use it in rituals that require deep meditation and rituals that require Saturn energy.

Re: Correspondences
Post # 3
~Magical Days~

When planning magical workings, consideration needs to be given as to when the work needs to be performed for best effect. We need to ascertain the best time or day for when to perform it.

Days have their own magickal associations, which are similar to and connected with the other tables - Candles, Colour and Incense. Thus they create harmony while generating power, when all are working together. Days are associated with and influenced by the Sun and six of the Planets.

Sunday - Is associated with the Sun and the colours of - Yellow, Gold and Orange.

Sunday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Health, Success, Careers Goals, Ambition, Personnel Finances, Advancement, Drama, Fun, Authority, Figures, Law, Fairs, Crops, Totem Animals, Volunteer and Civic Services, Promotion, Men’s Mysteries, Children, Buying, Selling and Speculation. Also used for Physical Strength, Achievement, Healing Energy and Divination.

Monday - Is associated with the Moon and the colours of - White, Silver, Grey and Pearl.

Monday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Psychic Pursuits, Psychology, Dreams, Astral Travel, Imagination, Women's Mysteries, Reincarnation, Short Trips, Women, Children, Public, Domestic Concerns, Emotions, Fluids, Magick, Spirituality, Nursing, Full moon magic, Purity, Protection, Truth, Meditation, Peace, Sincerity, Justice, Warding off Doubts and Fears, Anything to do with Water and Bodies of Water, Antiques, Trip Planning, Household Activities, Initiation, Astrology, New-Age Pursuits, Archetypes, Totem Animals, Shape-shifting and Religious Experiences.

Tuesday - Is associated with Mars and the colours of - Red, Pink and Orange.

Tuesday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Passion, Partnerships, Courage, Swift Movement, Action, Energy, Strife, Aggression, Sex, Physical Energy, Sports, Muscular Activity, Guns, Tools, Metals, Cutting, Surgery, Police, Soldiers, Combat, Confrontation, Business, Buying and Selling Animals, Mechanical Things, Repairs, Gardening, Woodworking, Hunting and New Beginnings.

Wednesday - Is associated with Mercury and the colours of Purple, Magenta and Silver.

Wednesday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Wisdom, Healing, Communication, Intelligence, Memory, Education, Correspondence, Phone Calls, Computers, Messages, Students, Merchants, Editing, Writing, Advertising, Signing Contracts, Siblings, Neighbours, Kin, Accounting, Clarks, Critics, Music, Editors, Journalists, Visual Arts, Hiring Employees, Learning Languages, Placing Ads, Visiting Friends, Legal Appointments and Astrology.

Thursday - Is associated with Jupiter and the colours of - Blue and Metallic Colours.

Thursday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Business, Gambling, Logic, Social Matters, Political Power, Material Wealth, Publishing, Collage Education, Long Distance Travel, Foreign Interests, Religion, Philosophy, Forecasting, Broadcasting, Publicity, Expansion, Luck, Growth, Sports, Horses, The Law, Doctors, Guardians, Merchants, Psychologists, Charity, Correspondence Courses, Self-improvement, Researching, Reading and Studying.

Friday - Is associated with Venus and the colours of - Green, Pink and White.

Friday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Romantic Love, Friendship, Beauty, Soul-mates, Artistic Ability, Affection, Partners, Alliances, Grace, Luxury, Social Activity, Marriage, Decorating, Cosmetics, Gifts, Income, Gardening, Architects, Artists, Beauticians, Chiropractors, Dancers, Designers, Engineers, Entertainers, Fashion, Music, Painting, Poetry, Courtship, Dating, Household Improvements, Planning Parties, Shopping, Herbal Magick, Luck, Fertility, Physical Healing, Balance, Prosperity, Courage, Change, Material Things, Peace, Harmony, Relationships and Success.

Saturday - Is associated with Saturn and the colours of - Black, Grey, Red and White.

Saturday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Binding, Patience, Stability, Neutralization, Material Gain, Protection, Karma, Death, Manifestation, Structure’s, Reality, Laws of society, Limits, Obstacles, Tests, Handwork, Real Estate, Dentists, Bones, Teeth, Farm Workers, Sacrifice, Separation, Stalkers, Murderers, Criminals, Civil Servants, Justice, Math’s, Plumbing, Joint Money Matters, Wills, Debts, Financing, Real Estate, Discoveries, Transformation and Relations with Older People.

Re: Correspondences
Post # 4
~Stones and Gems~

Amethyst - is a spiritual stone, it brings serenity in times of grief and stress, and is a good aid to meditation. As a calming stone, if placed against the forehead it can ease headaches, and if place under the pillow can aid in restful sleep. It can be used to strengthen commitment, and as an aid to chastity. Amethyst stones have a violet and purple hue, and are associated with the birth signs of Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Aquamarine - is a water stone, it is used for calming the nerves, strengthening the spirit, and as an aid to healing internal organs. When used to aid communication, it helps calm and relax the overactive mind. If used in conjunction with meditation, it inspires love, peace, serenity, and greater self-awareness. Aquamarine stones are associated with the birth signs Virgo and Aquarius.

Bloodstone - is a healing stone, and is helpful in clearing energy. It is used with blood related disorders and to strengthen blood circulation, as it is thought to toughen and oxygenate the bloodstream. Women may find bloodstones helpful in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, and for painful periods. Bloodstones are also used to stimulate physical strength, and are revitalising and balancing. Bloodstones are green with red flecks and are associated with the birth sign Aries.

Carnelian - is a healing stone, it vitalises the blood and aids tissue regeneration. It is used to aid concentration and helps to open the heart bringing joy, sociability and warmth. It is also used as a protector from evil. Carnelian stones are orange in colour, and are associated with the birth sign Virgo.

Celestite – is a peace stone, it reduces stress and provides a sense of relaxation, bringing with it peace of mind. It is also used as an aid to creativity, and clarity of words and thoughts.

Citrine – is a healing stone, believed to be of great benefit to sufferers of diabetes. It also aids tissue re-generation and is especially efficacious to the digestive system. Used to improve self-confidence by encouraging self-esteem, it enhances friendships and relationships in general. Citrine stones have a pale to deep or smokey yellow colour, and are associated with the birth sign Gemini.

Clear Quartz - as a healing stone, it is physically good for the heart and spine. As a protective stone, it is a generator and activator of energy that repels negativity on all levels. As such it is beneficially used to aid self-confidence, and against real or imaginary slights and injustices. Also used to bolster courage and as an aid too peaceful sleep. The milky or opaque quartz has a receptive feminine aspect, while the clear quartz have a stimulating male force.

Fluorite – is a healing and spiritual stone. Associated with the strengthening of bones and teeth, it also aids knowledge, spiritual growth, and unconditional love. Fluorite is a variable coloured stone often containing purple, white and green.

Garnet - is a peace stone. Used to balance sexuality and soothe emotional disharmony, while encouraging love and compassion. Its healing properties protect from infection and aids with mental fatigue. Garnets are a deep red in colour, and are associated with the birth signs Scorpio and Capricorn.

Jade - is a healing and protecting stone. Red jade serves to stimulate the emotions; it aids friendships while promoting prosperity. Green jade serves to calm and soothe. Both have a general influence on the inner motivations and urges. Jade is associated with the birth sign Taurus.

Lodestone - is a metallic and magnetic stone with both drawing and repelling properties. It helps to draw out and alleviate illness and pain from the physical body, and eases emotional trauma by increasing resistance to stress and disease. It provides protection when around people or in places that impart feelings of depression or agitation, it repels these feeling and helps you grow strong. Black in colour, its energies are clearing and building.

Moonstone – is a spiritual stone used to draw the aid of the noon’s spirits and the favours of the noon goddess. They are also used to aid the development of the subconscious and psychic mind. Moonstones have a watery white, pearly sheen that is supposed to open the heart to giving and receiving love, and when exchanged between lovers, arouses passion. Moonstones are associated with the birth sign’s of Cancer and Pisces.

Malachite - is an inspirational stone used to aid eyesight and visionary powers by raising hopes and expectations. It helps to combat fear by understanding its source, and assists us to back free from limitations by increasing courage and determination. It is also good for arthritis and is thought to attract prosperity. Malachite is an opaque green striped stone, and is associated with the birth sign Sagittarius.

Peridot - is a healing and spiritual stone used in divination. Peridot is a semi-precious stone and known as the “stone of the seer”. It counteracts negativity and aids the development of inner vision by attracting occult powers to the seer. It also enhances feelings of inner joy and lightness and opens you to giving, receiving, and expressing this joy. Used in healing, it has a beneficial affect on cleansing the liver when “charged” in water. It accelerates personal growth, resonates well with the heart, and aids in reducing stress. Peridot is light green in colour, and associated with the birth sign of Leo.

Rose Quartz - is a feminine love stone. Used to draw positive energies, it increases fertility, friendships and brings contentment to the aged. Placed over the heart area, it filters and harmonises energies passing through it in either direction. It is a very comforting stone that promotes tenderness and sweet things, joyfulness and peace. It also soothes heart pain. Rose Quartz as its name suggests, has a pinkish rose colour.

Sodalite - is a calming and balancing stone. It alleviates fears and strengthens the metabolism. It is a slightly sedative and grounding stone that lowers blood pressure and aids sleep. It also clears and calms the mind bringing clarity, enhanced communication, and creative self-expression that widens the perspective. Sodalite is a bright blue stone, often criss-crossed with white lines and flecks; these symbolise the spiritual light that comes with a balanced mind.

Re: Correspondences
Post # 5
Healing stones transmit their energy through color and vibration. Experience their healing force in the body and learn to recognize the effect of gems and color

Almost anyone can appreciate the color of healing stones, but to experience the power of their vibrations, one has to actually make sense of them. We can consider all physical, intellectual and psychic processes, all sensations, thoughts and feelings as chemical reactions within the body. These consume and create energy. Sometimes there can be too much energy in the body and at other times too little. Many colors emit positive energy; others have an equalizing effect. By properly using color, one can regulate the body’s energy level, making up for deficits or siphoning off excesses. That is why certain colors appeal to people in certain situations. The colors of healing stones work on the human organism and psyche. The intense play of light of gemstones can have a calming or stimulating effect; it can purify or heal.

The frequencies of light that stones emit are particularly important. They have a direct influence on the body’s biochemical processes. In addition, stones reflect the body’s chemistry. Stones consist of crystals whose smallest singular component is the atom. These are in constant motion. But because the vibrations of energy are not visible, stones seem to be solid objects. Their energy can be positive, negative or neutral, but only by its effects can this be known. Just as one feels more or less comfortable in certain environments, one can feel positive or negative vibrations from contact with certain stones.

*Meditations on gemstones can lead to physical health, psychological balance, self discovery and inner clarity.

The Effects of Color

The Indian Ayurvedic tradition teaches us that the health of the body and mind is dependent upon a number of factors: our thoughts, dreams and attitude towards work, our environment, neighbors, pleasant and unpleasant sounds, smells and colors as well as influence of gemstones and crystals. I this holistic conception of the human person, color play a particularly important role. All of the colors of the spectrum that we see in the world around us find a perfect correspondence in the microcosm within each of us. In ancient cultures, people would paint themselves with bright colors to connect with the mysterious strength of the soul. They understood that each color has a deep inner meaning. This still holds true today, even though much of the ancient knowledge concerning these matters has been lost. Color has a healing effect not only upon the soul but upon the totality of the human organism. To fully grasp the healing power of color one must study the different colors and their properties.

Colors, Their meaning and Therapeutic Use

Therapeutic Use

Activity, energy, stamina, joy in living, sexuality, love.
Supports circulatory and metabolic systems. Strengthens will power and keeps one active.

Vitality, ambition, fertility, erotic feelings
Adds balance and calmness; promotes the flow of energy.

Optimism, cheerfulness, success, generosity, satisfaction, élan vital
Stimulates all organs, increases energy levels, strengthens the immune system; removes, inhibitions and fear of relationships

Warm heartedness, friendship, openness, freedom, harmony, peace, empathy, self-renewal
Harmonizes, detoxifies and regenerates; enhances emotion, leads one to inner peace and strengthens the will to live.

Faithfulness, loyalty, openness, freedom (light blue), responsibility and respect for others (dark blue)
Calms, activates the digestive system and circulation of fluids in the body; relaxes and combats anxiety and discouragement.

Insight, spirituality, transformation, determination, peace and devotion to others
Regulates respiration and strengthens digestion; inspires, helps with grief and promotes serenity

Detachment, seclusion, ignorance, pride, elegance, security
Dissolves energy, blockages and tension, relieves pain; offers protection for the self

Purity, sincerity, clarity, innocence, truth, perfection, immortality
Helps with all deficiencies and weaknesses, provides energy and leads to self-realization.

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