New-questions re spell.

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New-questions re spell.
Post # 1
Hi, I recently came across this website and am very intrigued. I've always been intrigued by magic, or spells, just never brave enough to dabble in it. So, I took the plunge and tried a spell. I've tried and tried to lose weight to no avail, so I did the weight loss spell, my question is do I need to repeat this spell, if so how often and how long will the effects last? Also, when will I see results?

Thank you
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Re: New-questions re spell.
Post # 2
i have helped people with wieghtloss spells and i noticed it usually take 3 to 4 days for you to see a difference.
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Re: New-questions re spell.
Post # 3
Cool thank you, do I need to repeat it or is once enough? As I stated I'm new to this, I'm actually native american and I can see some of what we do, in alot of this.
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Re: New-questions re spell.
Post # 4
no you probably won't have to repeat it
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