Wellcome to the coven!

CovenDivine Spirits ► Wellcome to the coven!
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Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 11
hail and welcome everyone

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 12
- Name: Amichai
- Age 30
- Experience: practicing since the 80's
- Path of your craft: healing and tarot mainly, but I learn from many paths (eclectic)

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 13
I almost forgot, My name means: My people/nation lives in hebrew

Re: Wellcome to the coven
Post # 14
my name is wizardguy (might change it) some people like to call me wiz, or you can call me by my real name which is Zachary. I don't have much experience, but thats why I am here!

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 15
Wellcome to both of you!
I hope you find many useful information in this coven's archives and other members of the coven. We have many members brimming with knowledge and ready to help. The priestess of the coven and I, with the council are allways here to help so feel free to message us at anytime!
Blessed be!

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 16
Welcome to the coven everyone

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 17
It's always nice to see new faces here. Welcome to the coven and if you have any questions feel free to mail me.

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 18
welcome to the coven and nice picture

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 19
Hello every one!

My name is Marisol which means Sea & Sun. I like to think of my name as a beautiful sun set on the beach.

I'm 25 years old.

It's hard to say how much experience I have "practicing the craft". I've always been fascinated w/ magic, but I had to supress my interest since I was raised in a VERY religious family & magic was out of the question.

When I was a lil' girl I used to go to the back yard & loose myself in the trees, the flowers, all the animals my parents owned & I felt at peace. I feel I can communicate well w/ animals w/ no spoken words as well as w/ the trees, flowers & all of nature.
I always argued w/ older people that told me "this was it", there is nothing else out there. I wasn't allowed to ask questions that involved magic. But my desire to learn & to know never went away!

I've done very little spells since I want to make sure I get the basics 1st, but the ones I have done have been protection spells. I just resently obtained Runes "The Healing Runes" to be more specific, & I love it. I'm working on communicating w/ the Oracle.

I hope to learn as much as I can about magic & everything that has to do w/ it!

Re: Wellcome to the coven!
Post # 20
uh im newly connected to the craft
and i have some questions , silver vixen can you help me with
developing my power?

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