the common cold

CovenDivine Spirits ► the common cold
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the common cold
Post # 1
Herbal Remedies For The Common Cold

This condition is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, caused by a virus. There are over 200 different types of viruses that can cause such an infection.Usual symptoms include sore throat, sneezing, coughing, head & nasal congestion, runny nose and watering eyes.

The usual duration is a week to ten days.
Helpful Herbs Include:

ASTRAGALUS Boosts immune system, protects nasal passages from rhinoviruses.

CAT'S CLAW Assists the immune system in ridding the body of viruses faster.

ECHINACEA Reduces susceptibility to colds, speeds recovery.

ELDERBERRY Helps break a fever, promotes perspiration, antioxidant.

EPHEDRA Relieves congestion, soothes cough, decreases risk of asthma attack.

GINGER Eases congestion in head & chest, relieves chills.

HOREHOUND Relieves nasal congestion.

HYSSOP Antiviral, expectorant.

SHIITAKE Stimulates immune system after stress.


THYME Relieves sore throat and reduces mucus in nasal passages.

TILDEN FLOWER Extract is used to relieve cough & sore throat.

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Here's a nice recipe to bring comfort during cold & flu season...

Echinancea of course is used to boost the immune system, promote healing and reduce inflammation.

Catnip will promote sweating, help break a fever and promote relaxation.

The astringent properties of Yarrow curb diarrhea and is excellent for helping to throw off fevers and infections such as colds, flu, coughs, and sore throats.

Lemon balm contains antiviral components, good for fighting colds and flu and is also very relaxing and uplifting.
1 Tbsp Echinacea root

1 Tbsp Peppermint leaves

1 Tbsp Catnip, leaves

1 Tbsp Yarrow leaves

1 Tbsp Lemon balm leaves

Honey & Lemon
Add 1 cup of water and about 1/4 tsp echinacea to a pot and bring to a boil.

Simmer, covered for 20 minutes.

Combine the other herbs and add about 1 tsp of the mixture to the pot.

Stir well, remove from heat, cover and steep 10-15 minutes.

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Re: the common cold
Post # 2
lol r u a doctor in hiding

Re: the common cold
Post # 3
lmao no, I'm just an herbal witch who loves to learn and pass on what I find so others can learn

Re: the common cold
Post # 4
silver i thinnk this will work. next time i get a cold ill try this isted of my usual pepermet tea

Re: the common cold
Post # 5
If you have a runny nose make some chamomile tea and inhaling the steam. :D

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