ASN: Shadow Caster

CovenBaron La Croix ► ASN: Shadow Caster
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ASN: Shadow Caster
Post # 1
Ancient Sumerian Necromancy (A.k.a. ASN)


In taking on any practices of the practices of the ancient Sumerians necromancy, you understand that you are preforming energies that would be considered "Black" or "Dark". Also in doing so the actions you take, and what your eyes are opened to from here in are not, in any way, my responsibility. Should any of the following happen, I wish not to here complaints or flaming from anyone who does not approach me in a decent fashion. The possible outcomes of you using any of these ancient magics may or may not include: A change in aura, Attraction of shadow demons, Horrifying nightmares, Whispers in ancient tones, Unwanted knowledge of arcane arts.

The Shadow Caster

The general idea of necromantic practices is to release oneself of unessential items, words, and possessions. So the process for preform most spells require nothing more then mental stability.

To create a shadow caster you will need a few materials.

Some form of modifiable clay, putty, wax, ect.
A carving tool
A bit of time

To start, you will need to create this tool in the form of a rune. Runes can take on many forms. (Circular, rectangular, oval, or of course the abstract shapes.) Trust your judgment on how this should be formed.

The next step is to place a barrier to lock your shadow caster inside the rune you just created. In order to do this you may use one of two symbols. The most common symbol used is the pentagram. The second symbol is used when you intend on creating a shadow caster for high powered spells. The symbol used under this condition is the double triangle. (More commonly known as the Jewish symbol. ) Either of these should be carved in to the front of the rune. This symbol should be energized by you the moment you carve it. Doing so will prevent any being locked inside from escaping on it's own.

The following step is the most crucial, You need to think of an emotion you could do without, (After this is done you will suffer very little of this emotion) use your energy to pull that emotion to the palm of your hand. You should feel the emotion swirling in your hand, much more intense then your usual energy. In time the energy will grow unstable and release itself in to the surrounding area. This is a bad thing.

Before the energy has time to destabilize, take you rune, and force the emotion in to it. This will hold the energy until this process is complete.

The next step of the process is to hollow out a small hole in the top of your rune. At least big enough to hold a few strands of hair. Seeing as the emotion is no longer bound to you, you can no longer call on it. The emotion is now it's own embodiment inside the rune. Cut free a small amount of hair from your own head, place the hair in to the hole, and seal the hole with the same material used to create the rune. Now the emotion is attached to your body by some form, and be called at will.

This last step is optional: If you choose to still tie the emotion to yourself, for whatever reason, all that is required is a single drop of blood. Place the drop on the center of the pentagram, (Or double triangle) This will give the emotion a direct line to your body. Although since it has it's own embodiment, it is also likely to create a split personality.

Once all steps are completed you have now created a shadow caster. A shadow caster is capable of many things, it is almost as if creating a mimic of yourself. It will have it's own thoughts, mindset, and personality. DON'T be surprised if you wake up a couple of mornings and it has moved. This is natural.

A shadow caster is generally used for spells that would require more then one caster. (You now have a second caster) BUT be warned, any spell, once cast with the shadow caster, will be remembered by the rune and can be activated on it's own. With or without the help of the owner of the rune.

As I said, it is it's own embodiment. Therefore the spells you teach it, it can cast on it's own. Consider this your final warning for this post. IF YOU CREATE THIS BEING YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!! Do not let this fall in to the wrong hands. If it does, tons of secrets, spells, and even thing you may not know will be revealed.

Re: ASN: Shadow Caster
Post # 2
Thank you Ked very much in depth, I am sure those who are learning from you including me will benifit greatly from this information.

Re: ASN: Shadow Caster
Post # 3
Thank you, Ked. This is pretty amazing, something I always wondered about but never took the time to learn. I look forward to more posts from you.

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