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Post # 22
''yes through necromancy you can put a soul into a body and speak to the deceased''
i think he meant invoking a spirit into the sorcerer body. that is not the art of necromancy.

''i warn you it hurts the person three times worse than how they died''
how can they feel the pain when they dont have body?

''if they were hit by a car three times worse imagine being hit three times empathy i beileve is what hurts you most out of the three times rule''
the three-fold rule never hurt the innocent.
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Post # 23
"i warn you it hurts the person three times worse than how they died" -Zarath
"how can they feel the pain when they dont have body?" -Dark Emperor

I thought he meant it would hurt you three times worse if you revive the body. Either way, it's wrong.
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Post # 24
well you reincarnate someone you be using black magic.
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By: / Novice
Post # 25

a reminder:

some do not believe in reincarnation

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Post # 26
"is reincarnation possible can we bring a dead back to life ???/can we make his soul bind to another body ???"

Haitian witch doctors make a form of zombie by using a mixture of poisons from various fish and plants, they believe they are actually raising the dead but in truth they are simply warping the brain and appearance of a human to become an animal-like terror servant. That is the closest thing to the form of Necromancy you are referring to here, obviously its illegal to harm a human in such a way and the fate of these 'living-dead' is worse then death. For a more strictly based answer to your question you cannot make a magic based servant, whether it be an elemental or of a physical form, as others have stated you can however contact the spirit of the dead.
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By: / Novice
Post # 27

First: not everyone believes in reincarnation

second: you never know what youd come back as, and even if you could raise the never know what would happen...

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Post # 28
Check this one out. I always believed me and my baby dad waz togther in another life becuz when I met him it was as if I new him for years. It something about his spirit... like I been by it before. I've felt like this with other people and places. Idk. What do you make of it. I do believe in past lives but was he once apart of it? Ummm.
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By: / Beginner
Post # 29
.... reincarnation, according to my culture, is the cycle in which the spirit of the a recently deceased being goes to hell to repent for their sins, there are 10 levels of hell and the one that you go to depends on the sins you have committed in life. After that the spirit is ready to be reborn again, the spirit drinks the tea brewed by this lady... some old lady... who I can't remember the name of, she's meant to be a deity, anyways drinks the tea, forgets EVERYTHING that's ever happened to them and starts all over again.

In my culture reincarnation isn't exactly a good thing. The ultimate goal is to get to heaven but reincarnation is considered the cycle of suffering. We're like rats running on a wheel getting no where and the smarts ones who break free from this cycle goes to Gold Heaven, the ones who committed sins but repented for it the rest of their lives goes to Silver heaven or something like that.... the translation went a bit funny there...... it doesn't sound as good in english. Anyways reincarnation is like the cycle of pain and suffering, to suffer from diseases and illnesses, to suffer old age and ultimately death.

Anyways my main point is that reincarnation is not bring somebody back to life... its getting reborn, if you do manage to bring a spirit back to this world, it could be anywhere, and if you do somehow track it down.... it wouldn't know you.

I think the word you are looking for is not reincarnation, but it is possible to SUMMON a spirit back, though its quite dangerous (just like when you download stuff offline.... you might get viruses but you can always get anti-virus softwares).

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By: / Beginner
Post # 30
I realized a lot of you people have started talking about necromancy... maybe its because my belief system is different to you guys but necromancy isn't black magick... it is if you make it be just like a luck spell will being you luck but possibly take luck away from someone else, does that make it black magick now?

anyways, necromancy is any magick involving spirits, I suppose necromancy has the most potential to go wrong and become deadly but could you people stop calling it black magick straight off.

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Post # 31
Theoritacily it is possible, but (from my own knowlege) It never been done.
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