Coven notification

CovenThe Ruling Class ► Coven notification

Re: Coven notification
Post # 11
ok i'll take:

First Path,
Council of Earna,
True Wicca,
The Legion of Light and Dark,
and Element Magick

Re: Coven notification
Post # 12
That leaves us with:

Teen Witches
Spell Casters
Energy Magick
Children of Satan

Angelic Touch
Baying Wolves
Raven's Gate
Sun and Heaven

Twilight Vampires
Shadows Bled
Shadows of Solitary Witches

We are dwindling it down, if three more people take a set(not necessarily as I sectioned them) then we'll have spread the word to all current major Covens.

Re: Coven notification
Post # 13
i think we can rule off spellcasters immediately! lol

Re: Coven notification
Post # 14
I don't think Spell Casters is technically a Coven. It's more like a large gathering of people; some of which want to learn and find false teachers, some of which are false teachers, and some of which want to teach without knowing enough to realize that they don't know all that they should know in order to teach(in my opinion).

Re: Coven notification
Post # 15
i think we should try to get as many spellcaster people to join real covens, so we can save at least some people from false teachings

Re: Coven notification
Post # 16
I'm in favor of it aswell... but

How do you suppose we go about this without spamming.

Re: Coven notification
Post # 17
well, their forum is free to post right? doo you think we should just suggest our covens....

Re: Coven notification
By: / Beginner
Post # 18
I have gotten a message back from the Priestess of Black Twilight and she said she will talk to her Priest about it.

Re: Coven notification
By: / Beginner
Post # 19
I have gotten a message from the Priestess of Daughters of the Moon

Re: Coven notification
Post # 20
I'm going to send an invite to the following Covens:

Teen Witches
Energy Magick
Children of Satan

Angelic Touch
Raven's Gate
Sun and Heaven

Twilight Vampires
Shadows Bled
Shadows of Solitary Witches

I'm leaving out Baying Wolves and Spell Casters. I think we agreed on not inviting Spell Casters, but if any of you want to invite Baying Wolves feel free to do so. I, personally, still don't like the Priestess there because I believe if you are going to teach something you should research it first. I believe she just became Priestess for the title. But since I haven't gotten any feedback from anyone on that I'm not sure whether or not that's just me. :)

Invites being sent now.