Regarding Black Magic

CovenBaron La Croix ► Regarding Black Magic
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Regarding Black Magic
Post # 1
This may seem a little redundant but is there any special technique practicing black magic?

Re: Regarding Black Magic
Post # 2
Black = anything that goes against the natural flow of events

White = going with the natural flow of events

So going with this theory black could be even healing someone that was ment to learn from the experience.

Re: Regarding Black Magic
Post # 3
magick isn't and shouldn't be defined as a colour =/ its our intent that makes it negative not the energy/magick....

just my thoughts on it ^_^

Re: Regarding Black Magic
Post # 4
Good intentions paved the road to hell

Re: Regarding Black Magic
Post # 5
In a sense, "Black" magic would be best defined through the purpose of bending reality in ways that are not meant to tip the balance, but still look at negatively. (Through any means.) The terms of black magic can spring from multiple effects, including who they are practiced on, where they are practiced, and what the outcome is meant to be. All of these things will decide whether others deem your spells to be "Black". Only you yourself can decide whether you are being reality in an unnatural fashion.

However to answer your question, there are certain ways of living, certain arts long forgotten, and even certain beliefs, and goals that would enchance your ability to bend that reality.

Re: Regarding Black Magic
Post # 6
negative, positive, black, white, good, and evil are ALL subjective terms, and cannot be used to describe magick.

also, magick works with our reality and its laws, its part of reality.

In conclusion, there is NO such thing as black magick, so no there is no special technique.

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