Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls

CovenBaron La Croix ► Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls
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Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls
Post # 1
I was doing some research of voodoos and stop across a wedsite called planet voodo and they were talking about wanga dolls having spirits and that the wanga dolls are more effective then the voodoo but they didn't gave too much information and I'm still looking for some but I was wondering if voodoo dolls have spirits inside too? I can't really find the history of the wanga dolls.

happy blessings to you all

Re: Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls
Post # 2
To me wanga is the same as voodoo, there's no difference between the two dolls!

Re: Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls
Post # 3
okay just to make sure cause they really don't give anything specific only to buy them.

Re: Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls
Post # 4
To be honest with you, you can bind certain spirits to non living objects. I mean its not the best idea because if they get lose then your in trouble but it can be done.

Blessed be

Re: Wanga dolls/Voodoo dolls
Post # 5
wouldn't honoring the spirit that you bound to an objcet keep it bound to that object?

sort of like what i posted in the "spirit pots"

Re: Wanga dolls/Voodoo do
Post # 6
usually wanga dolls are for spirits and voodoo dolls for people and loa

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