Newbie alert!

CovenBaron La Croix ► Newbie alert!
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Newbie alert!
Post # 1
Hey all. Just joined up about a week or two ago (thanks again to tankgrrl for the speedy approval) and I figured it's about time I introduce myself. Anyhow, I'm 31, I live in Texas and I've been practicing hoodoo for about ten years off and on. I've only recently summoned the courage to write my own spells or at the very least, tweak some I find to fit my situation. I'm by no means an expert or even a great spellcaster so I'm always on the lookout for help or advise which is why I was thrilled to find this site.

If anyone feels like fielding some questions, I'd love to know where you guys and gals think the best place to buy spell ingredients from. Also, since I troll the internet quite often (damn insomnia!), I was wondering what you guys think about thinking about spells after they've been cast. Depending on the spell, I sometimes can't stop myself from thinking about it once it has been cast (not so much the outcome, just what I want to happen, etc) and I've found that when I get depressed about a situation, remembering that I did a spell to help or alter whatever it is that is bothering me usually cheers me up. One spellcaster told me repeatedly that this is the kiss of death for any spell and that I'm working against myself. I have no idea how true that but I'd like some opinions on the matter.

Thanks everyone!

Re: Newbie alert!
Post # 2
Different people have of course different ideas about that (please forgive the disjointed thoughts here its like 5am) I personally believe that the law of manifestation works in tandum with spell work, and I myself have a huge tendency towards nerotic over thinking so I wouldnt worry to much about it. Just think of it as bringing your manfested desires closer.

Re: Newbie alert!
Post # 3
I'm on the neurotic side as well and I agree with your opinion. I probably shouldn't have watched "The Secret", but I totally believe in positive thinking and the laws of attraction even in spell work.

Re: Newbie alert!
Post # 4
Welcome to the coven Devil, i will do my best to learn and teach you. Glad you got the courage to introduce yourself to everyone lol.

Blessed be

Re: Newbie alert!
Post # 5
Hey Devil, welcome,welcome,welcome! Lol, well I myslef LOVE to write my own spells because there is so much more power in that,and as you pretty much can tweak them to suit your very need! I looove magick and writing with a passion! The one thing, that you do seem to lack on is confidence in your work. Positive re-inforcement and affirmations are great,and trust me I have struggled to stay positive during the manifestation period. Anyways, if you need help,your more than welcome to write to me, and I posted a forum intitled "Books,Websites,and Supplies"... (I think that's what its called. There under that forum you'll find a list of sites where you can purchase products! Good luck : )

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