Lesser Grades

CovenThe Ruling Class ► Lesser Grades
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Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 9
of course attam the tests are done in coven chat, hmm do you think we should limit each question with a time limit for example what is an athame? this would be given like 1mins 30sec 10 secs to read the question, 30 secs to think and the rest to type?

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 10
this would reduce people looking back over lessons, or on google

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 11
I know for sure if they take too long, I no lopnger being the nice one, will leave and refuse to grant and promotion until they can take it within descent timing. And you can usually tell what is copied or not, unless they put it into their own words which would take even more time while their priestess is off taking a nap... their cheating efforts would be useless.

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 12
add prodigy for a beginner who can pratice without asking and have achieve something with his own way. =)

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 13
I wouldn't call those 'grades', but rather more like 'classes' or 'levels'. I think the only reason I might disagree is because it's not exactly an "A to F" type grading system, someone could easily be more then one title. For example a person who deals with both Necromancy and Conjuration. But that's just my opinion, maybe I understood it wrong.

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 14
hmm yeah but if they achieve the necromancer grade you would know that they have already achieved conjurer =/

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 15
That was just a random example, but I see your point with it.
I'll raise an objection about 'student' then. Everyone is already a student because everyone is always learning. Furthermore, as mentioned before, knowledge of most deities may not be required due to different religions.

I also have an objection about 'apprentice' since that word implies that you are studying under someone; for example if Luzifer were to teach me what he specializes in I may be considered his apprentice.

My last objection, for now, is about 'crone'. I just don't like the word because I can't help but imagine an old cripple when I hear it. :p lol.

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 16
LMAO these are titles to determine their skill LOL not titles to prove their status and you are correct everyone in my coven has already the title student automatically :P

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 17
Yes, and there are maybe 1000+ hindu deities/gods.

Re: Lesser Grades
Post # 18
lol me and mkaen solved this problem, we suggested that they compair there gods to the most famous ones like hecate etc and discuss similarities?

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