Connecting with Energy

CovenBaron La Croix ► Connecting with Energy
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Connecting with Energy
Post # 1
Now if your not mature enough to handle this next statement you are certainly not mature enough to be dealing with any type of energy or magick period.

The feel of energy moving through you is very close to the feeling of having a orgasm. The build and release this is why sex magick is so very effective.

Now connecting with that energy is a whole different matter, myself personally figured out that I connect well with death energy when I was asked to move some dead around a store. Even when I was a child I found a certain connection with the bear skin rug that my grandparents owned and would play on it for hours.

Having said that, a simple and effective way of connecting to energy is the white orb excersise keeping in mind that we ground and center before and after each and every energy working.

Visualize a white orb coming down and touching the top of your head
that white orb melts into your head
and flows through you
over your face
down your back
over your torso
to the tips of your fingers
over your stomach
through your legs to the tips of your toes

now your body is filled with a white light and is glowing.

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