Bible Vs. Occult

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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
lol tessa he lives in my closet we're very close lol
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 12
Luz just a small remark on Your post . You did not capitalize
Jesus , which is not an typo I am sure.

Also we do not belive that our religion is "the only" way to heaven , virtues and respect are , now Christianity is all about those virtues , and how to remain loyal to them, so in a way inderectliy religion is a way to heaven .

Blessed be.

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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 13
"Also we do not belive that our religion is "the only" way to heaven , virtues and respect are , now Christianity is all about those virtues , and how to remain loyal to them, so in a way inderectliy religion is a way to heaven." -Shadow033
I'm afraid you are wrong about that, kid. If you read the part of the bible where Jesus is on the cross you will read about the two people crucified with him as well.
One was an innocent man who questioned Jesus and told him that if he really were the son of God he should call the angels to have them brought down from the crosses.
The other was a criminal who believed in Jesus and told the the innocent man to leave him alone.
Jesus told the criminal that they would meet again at the gates of Heaven, if I remember right he ignored the 'innocent' man.

Salvation is as it says in the Bible, if you believe in Christ as your lord and savior you shall be saved. It is very good to follow certain virtues and to hold a certain measure of moral standing, but it is not required so long as you accept Jesus for what he is.
To many people do not understand this and try to complicate things by saying that you have to do a thousand other things, many of these same hypocrites tick me off by breaking one of the ten commandments when they tell someone they are going to Hell.
It is a commandment that we should not judge others for we are all mortal and it is not the place of mortals to judge other mortals. That is the job of our Lord.
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 14
Well congratulation by figuring that out Ragnarok.......
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 15
as interesting as this subject is, I have to agree with Rongoo...What research proves that witchcraft is fruadulant? lol. And personally, when it comes to God i still believe in whole that it stands for Government Organized Distraction. People who followed the bible then were usually law abiding citizens, and the whole thing about Jesus was way over played. But it's only my opinion.
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 16
And I agree with your opinion SilverVixen.
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 17
Ragnarok , first of all I'm not a kid . I'm 21 years old.

Second of all , Bible is written by humans , although according to the words of God . So some facts could be slightly dramatised and altered , due to human nature and tendency to proove our point , regardless on means . You should know.

And third of all , it's very easy to negate , or find logickal holes into phylosophickal system that wasnt established by us . No sistem is perfect , only thing that is perfect, is God , and as such cant be comletly understood by imperfect human mind . So there are many other ways of viewing the scene in Bible you described .

And BEFORE anyone other trys to logickly "take apart" Christianity , yust remember IT IS A RELIGION , based on faith , trust in a Being that is way too powerfull for having to make any point to humans , that are like ants or less comparing to his Greatness. It's easy to trust into something you see , feal or is proved to exist. For trusting , and relying onto something you dont , you get rewards .
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 18
Shadow, I call almost everyone 'kid' not because they are, but because it's a habit. Anyone online that I don't know the age of is, to me, 'kid' not as an age status, but as a nick-name. That is why I once called an 80-something year old man a kid once too.
Here is a site you may like;
I'm done with religious disputes in the Forums for now. I'm getting enough of that in Private Messages.
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 19
I believe in the muffin man.. he makes muffins.
In side note, The bible is a great book, and if the bible says witchcraft is bad then all is bad... ^_^. As Einstein said "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts". -_- Saying that, the Bible is an incomplete book, and not translated well.. and bad written..but yet it is an inspiring book. Every religion practices the basics of what I will consider magick, not occult, but life as a whole. This book is just like Nostradamus visions.. it is up to interpretation. The Bible is not vs. the occult, the bible is within the occult. Every one who is up to learn and find question within answers will complicate the life by looking too hard. The Bible might say many things, but all I can say is that the bible main point was and still is enlightenment. -_- History has shown that who ever is in power will twist words, and make their own truth of it, an example will be Hitler. I am sleepy right now, so.. sorry.. if I do not make sense. Anyways, in short words is that "each to its own". No one can tell me that muffin man does not know his cookies, except the muffin man himself. I believe in GOD and God only. I refrain myself from other gods and saints. I prefer to go directly to my higher being. This does not mean.. I am against them.. no, no,... I acknowledge those gods, and goddesses.. and saints.. but I care less for them. It is a bothersome. Plus, there are some saints that traumatize me.. hahaha.. Furthermore, Jesus was great, and no other man has accomplished what he did. Regardless, if it is all made up or not.. Scientist are quite interested in this stories. Whoever believes in magick, or witchcraft or whatever name you put it to sweeten it.. should read the bible as another reference point. One is not almighty and if that was the case... -_- ah.. never mind. Anyways, I prefer to be agnostic.. and the golden question stays. IS there a god? I prefer to shift to that there is a god till proved wrong. -__- I believe I already got off topic. Anyways, back to original post.. the information brought up comes from a pious site. It is not to be trusted.. and as any person, who actually thinks of his or her own will know that faith is not to be treated lightly.. and fear is a way to repress an individual to improve in their path to enlightenment.
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Re: Bible Vs. Occult
Post # 20
Vari. is right, althought her beliefs differ from mine what she is saying makes perfect sense. (In the bible, it tells you to question the bible)
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