
CovenFirst Path ► Herbs
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Post # 1
When I first started out, I LOVED using herbs. Once I can get my garden going I am going back to that in full force.

Using herbs is a great way of enhancing spells, and even attaining certian things with no spell at all.

You can burn them, boil them for potions and bath waters, put them in a bag to carry with you, toss them to the wind, ect.

Many herbs most people have never heard of, and at the same time, many you can find in your own kitchen discreetly. I will give a site with a very good list of different herbs, as well as mention some house herbs you can find with ease or at your local grocery store.

First things first ( gods bless google ) http://www.celticattic.com/tips_hints/health/herb.htm

Googling herb and magick can get you LOADS of different sites to cross refference.

I will post common household herbs within the day, as well as what you can do with them.

Re: Herbs
Post # 2
Herbs are also great for healing as well

Re: Herbs
Post # 3
I can't believe I didnt mention healing. I must be slipping lol.

I realized how delicate of a thread this can be so let me get my ranting and raving out of the way now.

Herbs and common house hold things are great to use, but please be cautious. NEVER ingest any herb without the proper research. Never ingest any household item without proper research.

While these things can be commonly found around the house, using them improperly can be fatal. Please do not smoke or inhale the smoke when burning any of these herbs, period. Making a sachet, boiling them for a bath, or simply burning them in a well ventalated room will work just as well.

When we get to "Kitchen Witchery" I will list common foods and their properties which are more than safe to eat.

Please keep in mind, do not use anything listed if you are allergic to them.

This is just to keep everyone safe in their magickal practices.

Re: Herbs
Post # 4
To make a sachet, simple get material in a color that represents what it is you wish to obtain ( see the colors thread or use good ol google ), add a few herbs and either sew it shut while saying something about what it is you want, or dont even bother. The herbs will attract all on their own.

For bath water...we arent talking about an entire bath full. Use a regular sauce pan, add the right herbs, let them boil for a bit, strain and let it cool. Add it to your bath and you are literally embracing the properties you are wanting to obtain.

To burn, use for now a non melt, non explode dish. I use a sauce pan or my cauldron. Do NOT use glass. Sounds like common sense right? Tell that to my wall that got burnt up after one exploded on me lol
There are a few different ways it can be burned...but bundling them together and using a long grill lighter or long stick match work just fine. Always keep the room well venelated and remember....that smoke alarm can and WILL go off lol

Re: Herbs
Post # 5
lol to be honest when i first looked at the title and it said herbs im like omg they're talking about marijuana lol.

Re: Herbs
Post # 6
lol no no no no no! Nothing illegal here, I promise.

Re: Herbs
Post # 7
Technically its only illegal in some countries so its ok but not ok to talk about it

Re: Herbs
Post # 8
Some of these are herbs, some food.


bay, calaway seeds ( from rye bread ), clover, radish, dill, fennel, garlic, parsley, pepper, salt, rosemary, pine, alfalfa, aloe, bamboo, barley, basil, birch, blackberrys, bladderwack (seaweed), buckwheat, cactus, cinnamon, cotton, corn, curry, fern, grain, hazel, holly, ivy, lavander, lemon, lettuce, leek, lilac, lime, mandrake, marigolds, marjoram, mint, protection, oak, olive, onion, papaya, peppermint, rasberry, rice, roses, sage, st. john's wort, violet leaf, white willow bark, wintergreen, wormwood, yucca.

basil, catnip, chamomile, clove, coriander, ginger, juniper, lavender, rose, rosemary, apple, apricot, avocado, barley, beet, bleeding heart, brazil nuts, cherry, chestnut, clover, elm, fig, gardenia, ginger root, ginseng, juniper berries, leek, lemon, licorice, lettuce, maple, marjoram, mistletoe, orange, oinion, pansy, papaya, parsley, pimento, poppy seed, primrose, rasberry, rose, rose petals ( red and pink ), rosemary leaf, rye, saffron, spearmint, strawberry leaf, sugar cane, thyme, vanilla bean, yarrow, wormwood, pear.
Lust ( if you can't tell the difference between love and lust, I suggest not doing these types of spells or workings )

avocado, casper, carrot, cat-tail, celery, daisy, lust, ginseng, licorice, nettle, olive, onion, pear, radish, saffron, sesame, sugar cane.

To be continued...

Re: Herbs
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
I love working with herbs, you'll find later i use a lot of lavender, its scent makes spells pretty, using almost any kind of plant can make a spell effective if you know its meaning and how to use it without over doing it.

Re: Herbs
Post # 10
What do you think is the strongest protection herb there? And how can I use it to preotect say....my family? I just want to make sure that they're all ok.

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