Magickal Diary

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Magickal Diary
Post # 1
By now you more than likly have found a meditation technique that you are comfortable with, and possibly have seen or felt your energy. It's a good time to start your magickal diary if you wish to.

This book can be anything you want from a regular notebook to a fancy leather bound book. It is a book to write your experiences on your magickal journey. What meditation you find easiest for you, what you have seen while meditating, what hasn't worked for you and thoughts on magick in general.

It doesn't have to be well organized and not to be confused with a Book of Shadows. It's a daily journal of your journey. And can be quite amusing to look back on in a year or so =P

Re: Magickal Diary
Post # 2
Ha i remeber when i locked away my BOS and read it a few months later....i laighed at what i wrote im proud of it

Re: Magickal Diary
Post # 3
lol ya i have a psychic diary, dream diary, and a BoS (and i use them all daily) and when i look back at my journey that ive written in them i get amazed. jounrals and diaries are very helpful on ones journey

Re: Magickal Diary
Post # 4
I found the one I started when I was like, 13. I laughed so hard I almost pee'd myself lol

Then I burned it out of shame =P

Re: Magickal Diary
Post # 5
also i find a journal on your own personal journey through the craft to be very helpful, one because you can provide insight to people who are just starting because you know what you did to get started, also you can see what you may have forgotten.

Like one thing that i cant beleive i forgot (but school and all) was when i was working on my sense of sight (for making my senses more aware so i could learn to control my empathic sense better)

anyways... so i was working on my sight and it was in january and i was listening to this beautiful song and right when it came into the chorus with the japanese flute i saw this beautiful snowfall and it almost brought me to tears that day... so basically they help you alot because when i read it again i remembered all my training and it helps me keep going and never give up hope.

I recomend having atleast one book that records your experiences for the two reasons of reflecting and support for others. But thats just my opinion take it or leave it :D

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