
CovenFirst Path ► Paths
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Post # 1
What are the different types of paths in the magic world? like you have wiccans, druids, shamans...stuff like that

Re: Paths
Post # 2
There are many MANY different paths, and different variations of different paths. It would be impossible to name all of them but you have the ones you mentioned, Thelema, Hellenic, Chaos, Satanism ( spiritual ), general paganism,voodoo, hoodoo uhm....I personally follow Natalieism =P

People consider different magick to be a path it's self.

I talk about finding your own path..and as you get more comfortable with magick, you will discover it. You may, while meditating find a deity you wish to serve.

Re: Paths
Post # 3
Then each of these paths mentioned have many different types of magick practiced in them,
The list would be very long.
You will be drawn to a certain thing at one point or another and that will lead you on your path/

Re: Paths
Post # 4
alright. Im trying to study a few just to see what they're like. but i cant find a good list of what they are.

Re: Paths
Post # 5
Some people even create their own path as i did it is a differnt way to practice magick

Re: Paths
Post # 6
Most types of magic people ewill only tell you are the colors....Magick doesnt have a color it what your intent is

Re: Paths
Post # 7
Here s just a partial list Kry...Healer has give you a good view of the Main Paths,,,inside each of them youll find different Paths like(in no particular order)Weather Magick,Time Magick,Candle Magick,Healing Magick ,Love Magick,Ruins,Tarrot,Necromancy,Satanism(spiritual),Satanism(litteral),Chaos,Hellinism,Angel Magick,Shamnisim,Dragon Magick,Divinatory magick,Potion magick,Astral Projection,Kinetic abilities(mind Magick).Poppets and Servitors(doll magick). and the list goes on and on.
Many of these are intertwined in to different styles,but they may each be seen as distinct by some people as well.

Its not such a big deal what you practice...its that you do it for your own reasons,and you have the tools to do it properly.

I have been doing Magick for many years in one form or another.
I practice several different styles,I have no name for it.Although I would like one day to reach the status of Shaman,In my ancestral Form of Magick

Re: Paths
Post # 8
Oh and Rightsiderep is Right,lol
You can take any style or form of magick and make it Black or white...depending on how you intend to use it

Re: Paths
Post # 9
What exactally is chaos magik??? is it like a kind of black magick?

Re: Paths
Post # 10
In short Chaos magick is a Branch off Of helenistic magick,it has no rules or boundries,there fore no Karma or consequenses.
Its not condsidered by its users to be good or bad,black or white..
Its thought to be neutral,that the universe is made up of energy and that energy is neither good or bad.
Having said that,I studied Chaos magick for a short time,and I found it to be more conflicting with itself than any other form of magick Ive studied.
Its almost like you have liscence to make the rules as you go,thats not magick,thats escapism.
Feel free to form your own opinions ,,,but this is mine

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