Humans and Lesser Animals

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Humans and Lesser Animals
Post # 1

It is interesting how the human mind processes thought… many levels, yet operating at the same time, with awareness of the other

the conscious, and the subconscious, entwined together. Many people have different aspects on how their mind deals with issues, and simple commands, such as willing yourself to speak, move a limb, or to more complex things, such as constantly breathing, without making a conscious action.

but, the things that we learn, the things that are embedded into us when we are born, or through constant repition, or from our parents teaching. they are each different…. Yet I wonder, if we had none of those things,. what would we be like?
They say that learning a language is not just speaking in it, or writing it, but thinking in it…

then, say we take a ‘lesser animal’ such as a dog, and we do the same to it…. we embed commands into it, teach it repeatedly,it does not know our language….. but it knows what we want when we say it what actually makes it lesser than us? the fact that we are able to capture and enslave it?

are we not the only race on this earth that would kill for pleasure…. enslave others, fight among ourselves over trivial matters such as religion, or god forbid money?

I exist, so I am, I think, so I must exist

its a never ending circle, and in fact, the only thing that truly seperates us from these ‘lesser animals’ is the fact that we consider ourselves to be so.

it is NOW in our nature to destroy, kill, even if we dont know we are doing it…. that new super market, that was built, where did the supplies to build it come from? How many tons of stone and wood had to be destroyed, so we could pleasure ourselfs, into being able to spend our ‘well earned money’
what is the cost of all these things? not in terms of money, or material possesion… but what does it cost the earth, the natural cycle, all living animals…. that we may live in comfort and then…. do we live in comfort?

Tribal towns and establishments in third world countrys have it great…. sure they suffer from disease, and pain…. but, they do not know or care about what we consider normal they strife only to exist… they have no desire to expand, to kill for pleasure…. they work, as a tribe, to help itself… they kill only what is needed, and share their food. They build their homes out of the earth, not by destroying it

We take such gratification of being sexual beings… we make and sell pornography of all forms. we flaunt ourselfs to others, to make them desire us., so we can have control over them
these ‘lesser animals’ do no such thing
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Re: Humans and Lesser Animals
Post # 2
It is sad that something with this useful info is not heard or others can careless of what "other things that are not part of magick or just off a balance to magick....."
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Re: Humans and Lesser Ani
Post # 3
Well, the ones in powers will always want to be in power that is shown in almost every animal (just adding something).
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Re: Humans and Lesser Animals
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
I really enjoyed reading this, thanks r3. I hope you realize that even though people and animals are different in many ways and similar in others, it is the animals that think they are one of us more often then the other way around. I wonder why, if maybe the animals really see/think we have it better than they do with our apposable thumbs and all.
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