Possessions? Why?

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Re: Possessions? Why?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Yes, Sim.We have all seen the hysterical trance-like states, especially in Voodoo.But that's not really "possession". They come out of that trance after the ceremonies, and are normal again.
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Re: Possessions? Why?
Post # 12

It's called a possession, not "hysterical trance like state" or whatever you wish call it. And I am talking specifically about Haitian Vodou, not voodoo. In many cases the initiate possessed does something like drink gasoline,walk on coals, and put sharp spears in their mouths. The list goes on even languages that the person being possessed does not know. It is a sacred act, and not a "trance". The lwa come down and possess initiates, and it is important for initiation rites and other cermonies.

Feel free to ask me for book recommendations to educate yourself, on Vodou.

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Re: Possessions? Why?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
No need to. I know all about Voodoo,Voodou, and the history of Haiti. And I know that it is "called" possession.Nevertheless, these people become normal after the ceremonies. And I have walked barefoot on red hot coals myself.It is quite simple when you know how.
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Re: Possessions? Why?
Post # 14
Why do they happen? Answer- usually you have awakened it or provoked something in it to attack or bind itself to you

How can possessed people be set free? Answer- they are not completely free even after a exorcism thereis still a very small part attached.

In which cases there isn't? Answer- Dementia patients and other with sever mental illness are cases in which they are not. For example a patient with a metal illness could not speak five languages at once and climb walls and ceilings thats the difference.

Do you have personal experience of posession or coexisting with a demon/spirit/whatever, and if so, have you tried to free yourself, what did you do, and did it work? Answer- well yes i have had a personal experience with possession i went into a mini seizure which i never had in my life before until that moment, i also had a lost of breath, vision, and hearing. It felt like i was going to die, my heart rate was rapid and i almost went into a coma. As far as setting mysekf free it did eventually stop though it's weird because i didnt have to do anything but it does still affect me to this day. If it worked well it hasnt happened again so i suppose it did.

Does someone you know? No i dont know of anyone who is although it does happen it doesnt always happen to evryone.

With which illness is it usually confused? Depends on what stage you are in there are five stages to a posession scare tatic, torment, abuse, then loss of hope/confidence, then possession. To me it would have to be delusional or dementia you dont always hear voices its mostly a sight or feeling.
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Re: Possessions? Why?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 15
Clasified, you may believe anything you wish; but a belief does not make it true!
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Re: Possessions? Why?
Post # 16
I have been through his before it is no joke to me i really did experience this in my life its not a belief its a fact.
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Re: Possessions? Why?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
Clasified, any doctor will tell you that what you have just described is a T.I.A.. I've had quite a few of them! They are mild "strokes", and usually an indication of heart disease.
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Re: Possessions? Why?
Post # 18
I am way too young to have a stroke and if i did the riwk for my next one would be higher i know what i had i nearly died and to call that fake is insulting and very offensive you may believe what you want but i know what happened as a fact.
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Re: Possessions? Why?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
I did not call it fake. I know very well what those symptoms are
And you are not too young for a TIA. They even occur in babies. Ask a doctor!
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Re: Possessions? Why?
Post # 20
Im not going to argue anymore peace be with you
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