hey everyone

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hey everyone
Post # 1
hi i'm new to this website but not new to the craft. i have been haveing some probems with people at school anyone know of a spell for people to stop messing with me and wanting to fight me i'm not big on violence and i can't seem to talk my way out of things so i was thinking of turning to magic so i dont have to deal with a bunch of crap and be able to do my school work in peace once agin
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Re: hey everyone
Post # 2
um.....HI =^.^= welcome to the site im pretty new myself
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Re: hey everyone
Post # 3
Welcome dstrat.

Try protection spells first, before you resort to attacks. Have to talked to the administration? Try to create a servitor to help too, if you want Occult intervention. PM me if you need anything.
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Re: hey everyone
Post # 4
found it ,

but its actually


You will need:
a handful of borage blossoms or leaves
dragon's blood powder
sandalwood powder
piece of tiger's eye (which is a crystal)
yellow silk pouch
red candle
drop of blood from person needing the spell!

To a handful of borage blossoms or leaves, add a teaspoon of
dragon's blood powder and a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Grind
these together and add a piece of tiger's eye and a drop of blood
from the person needing the spell.

Place all this in a yellow silk pouch and light a red candle.
Holding the pouch in both hands call on the Archangel
Michael: "Archangel Michael avail me of the power of your mighty
sword to cut down my oppressors and free me to be whole"

Carry the pouch at all times to ward off problems and recharge it's
powers by lighting the red candle and calling on the Archangel

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Re: hey everyone
Post # 5
hey thanks a lot alliester that website has a lot of useful spells on there and i look to use them once agin thanks i believe the ones i have now will do the trick
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