The war?

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The war?
Post # 1
Please can someone explain the War. Sorry Im kinda new to this and im confused. I heard about it in the forums but I havnt gotton the whole point yet. Please Explain?
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Re: The war?
Post # 2
It's the war between Good and Evil

In December 21, 2012
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Re: The war?
Post # 3
What exactly started this? Why Now? Why not back then? How are they fighting? Who is included? Who declared it? Do you choose which side you are on? sorry for the questions '-.-
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Re: The war?
Post # 4
If you're a human and you arent posessed by a demon then you're on our side, unless you help the demons or whatever.
As far as I understand it thats how it is anyways. All I know is I'm a keyholder and I have had some pretty persuasive beings confront me about opening a portal to their world so they could pass freely to ours. So really I don't believe it's as far off as some people say, or they want to prepare.
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Re: The war?
Post # 5
its funny u say that cuz im a demon. I havent hurt anyone before so wat you tryna say. and all key holders know their element...except you
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Re: The war?
Post # 6
humans can choose to be bad just how demons can choose to be good. Also I have never known my element. By birthright I am Air but I feel no such connection to it, and my key seems not to represent air. Another keyholder described his key and was told the element of it, so I see nothing wrong with trying to do the same. Though there is history of witchcraft in my family history it is far back and the ones who raised me were vehemently opposed to it, so I know not much of the other realms and worlds except what I have seen for myself.
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Re: The war?
Post # 7
but if you want me to, I can hold your key. or jus make you the key. its really easy
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Re: The war?
Post # 8
I wouldn't trust anybody else with my key. My boyfriend is actually a demon/part demon (soul wise) and I wouldn't even trust him with my key and I would trust him with my life.
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Re: The war?
Post # 9
the war is not between good and evil but between light and dark there is a difference I am the light my sister is the dark Nahara seeks to rule the realms and I seek to stop her I will only resort to war when that is my last option right now I am trying to reason with her.
and if you say all demons are your enemies then you will have to include Aku and his legion although they fight against darkness he and his legion are demons he is one of the three known demon lords
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Re: The war?
Post # 10
but your key can be stolen easily. Peopla dont realize that these are objects and are not apart of you. They can easily be stolen witth a binding of your body so that you cant move or binding of another type which will shut down your power
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