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Post # 1
I know how to create Psi energy very well and can do alot of things with them, but does anyone know how to open my third eye so I can see the energy when I generate it?
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Post # 2
Cantrap has a clairvoyance spell involving the blood of a blackbird, but it also mentions another method involving the pineal gland "of which it is not lawful to speak"... I'm guessing it's a ritual involving somebody else's gland.

Meditation on the middle of the forehead is supposed to stimulate this gland in your own head (opening the third eye.) The pineal is associated with dream imagery, incidentally third-eye seeing by my experience looks an awful lot like mind's-eye seeing, like the images may in your head the almost same way you would dream or imagine something. A common problem I've seen is, after getting the third eye to open, people sometimes meditate on it even more in the effort to make what they want to see more solid. So, they've developed their energy vortex third eye but try to make it work like the humor-and-ligament physical eyes... and surprisingly it doesn't work, since there's resistance to the part of their mind that works with the energy vortex. If you've already done the focus meditation and feel something happening there, you can try just attuning your mind to the energy... maybe think in "energy frequency" before "color." Hope this helps.
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Post # 3
I agree with the meditation thing, but before opening that chakra you have to open the previous ones (in your stomach, heart and neck). Anyway when you meditate is good to imagine the relevant colour of this chakra, which is violet.
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