urgent question

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urgent question
Post # 1
I want to know if I do black magic spell in how many days will I see result and I know it will backfire but I just want to know in how many days days will I see results.
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Re: urgent question
Post # 2
You sure do have a lot of urgent questions.

Whether or not you see results will depend on how well you performed the spell. You may not see any results at all, or you could see them right away.

I hope this isn't about that guy. I feel really friggin bad for you if it is.
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Re: urgent question
Post # 3
It is about the SAME guy. Holy crap. This is beyond pathetic. I hope you do find a "black magick" spell and I hope that you get the biggest cosmic backhand to your empty skull ever! Damn, I'm getting SO sick of seeing this kind of crap. Sorry for the mini rant.
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