urgent question

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urgent question
Post # 1
I want to know if there is amagikal herb to cleans the mind of all negative thoughts, depreesion, stress, fear, black magic, negative energy, spells, curse, stress and fear. And a magikal herb for to bring positive thoughts, confidence, beautiful face, fair skin, clear skin, wisdom, knowledge, intellegent, memory, success, and to increase concentration and to cleans and purify chakra and if I use magikal herb in how many days will I see results
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Re: urgent question
Post # 2
um not just one but there are enough out there to do that get scott cunninghams erb majik it has everything you need and only cost 10 bucks llewellyn.com
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Re: urgent question
Post # 3
may be drinksome holy water that will purafy you
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Re: urgent question
Post # 4
If there were one herb to do all that dont you think everybody here would be using it? What your asking for is a couple of herbs to take the place of years of Teaching ,Meditation and learning the craft!
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Re: urgent question
Post # 5
Why is it with everything you ask/post, you just HAVE to know how many days it's going to take. Wow, you're really looking for the "cure all" there arn't you? How bout this..For stress, try meditation or since you don't seem to have ANY patience at all, a quiet walk. For the skin, watch what you eat and drink. I've heard washing with soap and water helps out too. Wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence (spell it correctly before asking for it), well..it looks like you need to do some serious looking at yourself, then maybe you'll come out a bit better.
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