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Post # 1
Yes the Lines are long and crazy! But all those in America,Please Go VOTE!!!! Like the folks on the news just said, take a book and sit it out. Just go VOTE!!!!!
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 2
You will vote when you want to vote. If you dont fine, but you cant force us too vote. None of the candidates are worthy of the title "President". Plus what does this have to do with magick? Stay on topic.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 3
Well this is something which will always be a topic to some degree, because choosing a candidate who is open minded goes a long way in the long run, but hey, what do i know, i'm not from the States, however, every country deserves leaders who are worthy to carry their people forward, unfortunately i don't think there is any political leader left in the world who is worthy of carrying the title president, but if no one tries to make a change don't cry when change happens out of it's own accord and it isn't the change you wanted.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
I agree with LadyTessa if you are old enough to vote you should. Not because someone told you to but because if people stop voting then they will take that right away from us. In the USA it is one of our rights as a legal citizen, we chose who is to lead us and it will always stay that way as long as people take the time to vote. Sure we might not get the best candidates but just decide who is "the lesser of two evils".

Also Koa has some good points too.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 5
We already know who will be winning the election. If Obama wins he may have a great chance of being assasinated, and leaving Biden as president.. If McCain wins he is older and may pass away sooner leaving Sarah Palin as president.

Either way none of them is a Great choice (Not saying theyre bad) to be elected.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 6
But Barack has no experience at all. So if he were to be president, it would all be new to him. Plus I just believe that he just tells the people what they want to hear. But this may all be untrue. Just my opinion.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 7
Obama is not "open-minded". While I think both candiates have their faults, there is plenty more wrong with Obama's ideas and views, and his history in general for him to ever get my vote.

That being said, I was the 39th voter at my designated location today.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 8
What about all of the republican's lies? And Obama's trying, at least, to come up with adequate (a lot, even more so) solutions to the country's problems. The rebs have tried so hard to rip him apart that they haven't even put that much of an effort into anything else. Sure, Mccain is a veteran from war, an 'american hero', but he voted yes on 90% of Bush's decisions. And look where the State stands today...

Sorry, I'm usually a pretty gentle person, but when it comes to politics I turn into a raging beast hehe. The funny thing is, I don't even LIVE on the same continent as where the election is taking place :D

So Zexion, I won't go further in fear of completely losing my head and bashing you due to unecessary spite.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 9
Le's just say that if Obama is elected he gets assasinated but if McCain is elected he dies. That would mean its a race between the VPs. Sarah Palin is literally killing puppies. She is allowing wolves to be gunned down from the skies in her own state of Alaska. She is SUPPORTING this. The worst part is is that there's no point. And don't think I'm just being a tree-hugger, scientists are saying there's no point. So personally I support Obama and Biden. But its your choice. But I'm agreeing with LadyTessa. GO AND VOTE!!! It is extremely important. -Catty
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 10
Just wanted to add something:
McCain=experience. high risk of passing on.
Sarah Palin=little experience. might become president.

Obama=little more experience than palin. may be assasinated.
Biden=experience. may become president.
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