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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 31
I'm not sure that Biden taking over would cause a civil war, but the racists here will throw an absolute fit if Obama makes it into office.
To many ignorant people accuse him of the most absurd and inacurate things, and to many people voting based soley on race.

Unfortunatly, I don't think the race war will ever end here...but I do expect to see a lot more of hate should he get in office.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 32
True. I hate it when people voted purely on race or religion. It doesn't make sense. JFK was a different religion than all the presidents before him and because of that people didn't like him. He was one of our best presidents! The same thing may eventually be said of Obama if he can make it into office. -Catty
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Re: GO VOTE!!!!!!!
Post # 33
Geez!!! THIS was not meant to start an argument on who is better than the other.Or anything of the sort.
Zexion- Excuse me BUt I am not forcing anyone to go vote. I am encouraging it though. And there is nothing wrong with that. Others have posted to vote or not vote for a particular idea.So Back Off of me- I am not in the mood.

This just puts me in tears guys, It really does...

I am NOT telling anyone who to vote for, everyone has their one thoughts on the matter.And I would never ever try to change someone elses' mind on the subject. we will never actually know who is the better of the two. as only one guy can do the job.

Why can't we jUST ALL GET ALONG with out arguing over every darn post.Is that so hard for ADULTS to do?
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 34
I wasnt arguing okay? It just sounded in the first post as a little forcive okay? I stated my opinion and there's nothing wrong or against the rules about that. Is there? No. I was only saying my second post because it came off a little rude. Excuse me for thinking that.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 35
Sorry LadyTessa. The wolf is my spirit animal and I had to let people know what Palin was doing. -Catty
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 36
Okay I'm not sure if anyone has said this, but Palin + president = perished pagans. I've just started Political studies as school and considering the fact that McCain is 72 and that creationist being president won't exactly be too many years away!
This may sound quite mean but at school I heard to kids called Giles and Mattieu (that's an Italian name) making a bet (I've erased some of the words they said so that it's just short-and-sweet):

Mattieu: I bet you that McCain will win the election. America's perhaps the most rascist non extremley dictated country in the world.
Giles: Alright then, if McCain wins I'll give you ten euros, if Obama wins you give ME ten euros.
Mattieu: And if Obama gets assassinated in 1 month you give it back!

People have already tried to assassinate Obama. Do you really think that Obama actually gonna last? (And that's not a retorical question!)

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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 37
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 38
Lady Tessa, while I appreciate you trying to clear up your intentions with the post ( though I did not see it as an arguement starter ), you must, by now, understand that ADULTS debate.
It's healthy, it's common, it's throwing fresh ideas around, it's a part of learning.
No one will ever agree. The fun of it is to toss out your ideas and hope someone listens.
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 39
i like obama. But whoever wins will make a good president, especially if they've gotten this far. I am a democrat :D
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Re: GO VOTE!!!
Post # 40
I like democracy better than republicans.
Obama was in a brink of his death by 2 guys already.I think that America needs a president who is black so that Americans would learn to be together and not becoming racists.

However,having a new president who has never been in control of the country may lead to certain problems.

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