Respecting gods

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Re: Respecting gods
Post # 9
At least, not the powers of the physical self. :)

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 10
It's my goal too. I'm pushing up my daily meditations to about 6 at the most now.

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 11
Most importantly the goal will be reached. Us humans are much more than our physical bodies anyway. Through A.P experience I know that and am not afraid of that in the least, but like I said , I have a VERY LONG way to
But still i think that we should have some respect, after all, would you invite someone to your home and not be a good host or hostess?

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 12
I agree with you.
My demon friend (guardian) did me a favour the other night that I'm extremley grateful for.
I left him offerings yesterday, alcohol, incense, fruit and flowers as you suggested.

I'm still trying astral projection, no success even though I did happen to see a wolf howling about three times for some reason.

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 13
That was sweet.
You'll be astral projecting soon hun, don't you worry about that, as I know you work on your chakras daily and are constantly progressing.

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 14
I can only hope...

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 15
No hun, you are progressing, forget about hope and know and have pride in your accomplishments, mark my words, you will astral project.I know you can do it.

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 16
Some measure of respect should be shown gods, goddesses, angels, demons, guides, and any other entity (including humans). That being said, offerings aren't always needed. For some beings simple things can be considered as being respectful, whereas for others offerings and such things of the sort are "required" to show your respect. It really depends on the entity you are working with and their individual personalities as to what the offerings and/or respect you show towards them is. Although offerings can be nice, you don't have to always go out of your way to bring them something. Its kinda like in The Crucible, when the Parris (or whoever the pastor was) said god required golden candlesticks instead of the ones made by the town. It is more about what you can offer on a higher level than "This is expensive (or whatever) so they must like it." Its more about the effort you put into giving then what you give.

Or so I believe.

That being said, if you are disrespected by another, why should you be required to constantly give the individual that disrespected you respect?

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 17
Everyone is going to have a different experience with beings regardless of what you offer or do not offer. Some higher beings, I believe, are drawn to certain types of people and disgusted by others. This doesn't make you a good or bad person, but I think is a reflection of your soul, growth, higher self, ect.

Having said that, I do agree a general level of respect needs to be maintained especially for first encounters. However I also think that if the being you are calling on is disrespectful to you, all bets are off.

I understand people hold etheric beings in high regard and would never show disrespect to one period. I, am of a different belief and will easily have "words" with any being who is unreasonable with me if I have gone out of my way to make the situation comfortable for everyone.

Each of us do it differently. I no longer give offerings to beings as the reason I call upon them is for friendship and a working relationship from which we both can achieve things. I do, however, tend to go to them to speak with them rather than try to "kidnap" them in the middle of the night and bring them to me.

Re: Respecting gods
Post # 18
I agree with both Rashnu and Rikka.

To me it is respect those who respect others at an equal level. If the individual proves worthy of my respect then I shall respect them possibly more than the equal level, or if not more than at least the same. If the individual proves themself unworthy of my respect for them, my respect will drop and I will treat them as such.

Respect of another should be earned, not freely given. :)

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