attention site moderators

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Re: attention site moderators
Post # 37
Oh, I finally get the light thingy, kts.
I'm sensitive to "black" and "white" terms cause I'm annoyed at racism.. possibly caused by the Catholic Church of "dark-skinned people" must be Satan followers (or something like that) aimed at the Egyptian Empire and culture.

But Kts, white and black are defined by "good" and "evil" intention, I tie it because of the parallels from racism; Segregation against Black people from White people. Black people are supposedly filthy.. Or at least the white people thought so. I reckon black people are awesome and white people are stupid in terms of their attitudes. *_*
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Re: attention site moderators
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 38
Sounds like you are a racist. But then again stereotypes have there bases in everything. I still think it is funny when I hear a Native American referred as a "no beard". It is funny because of the many different takes on it, but the truth of it is the men do not have facial hair.

My name is really Knows their Sh!t. :)
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Re: attention site moderators
Post # 39
With all due respect, kts, I find it slightly amusing that you are pointing the finger and calling people racist while making an assumption about a race yourself.

Yes, many Native American tribes are fairly hairless when it comes to body hair....but not all of them. Infact there are tribes where the men are more than capable of growing facial hair. I can supply a picture of a Noatak Eskimo right now with a full mustache and beard. He is no less Indian than those who do not have facial hair.

Also, to say Native American men do not have facial hair would be implying that those who do cannot be Native American. You are not considering those who are not full blood. I think it would be kind of unfair to say " no, you have facial hair, therefor you do not fit into the stereotype and cannot be a true Indian". Take for example my man. He has facial hair. He is not 100% Native American, but simply because he can grow it does not make his cultural backround any less significant.

You are right, stereotypes do have some truth to them. Based mostly on one's own experience with the culture itself, and those who live up to the stereotype itself. I have no issue admitting that I despise the "worst of" a races stereotype. That goes for ANY race.

But to sit and call someone a racist, while making a fairly narrow minded assumption about a race yourself, does not work well.

Perhaps we can call it a wash and chalk it up to each persons interactions with other cultures, instead of jumping to the conclusion of someone being a racist.
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Re: attention site moderators
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 40
I am glad that it amuses you Healer that was the point of my previous post.

I was speaking in terms of stereotypes and not stating that anyone with indian heritage is not an indian or however you refer to them. I have found that every human is racist in that everyone knows stereotypes and many rely on them. Is is sad that they exist but it is the reality.

I know that one day when the aliens land there will be no more distinction between humans. It will turn from different human races to the race of man and the race of aliens what ever they will be. :)
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Re: attention site moderators
Post # 41
I appologize if I missed the intention of humor in your post. However, as it has been said, people base their opinions on what they have dealt with personally. It took it as you not necessarily having many dealings with to many tribes, so I'm sorry for my rant.

I don't know that I'd go so far to say that everyone has racism in them. Prejudice yes. Racism is more not distiguishing between the stereotype and the race itself. I am very prejudice. I dislike white trailor trash moms who are on baby number 7 with no clue who half the dads are smoking meth instead of buying diapers just as much as I dislike the mexican citizen who jumped the border and who came up to my car at WalMart asking me in broken english if he can mow my lawn. I hope he meant the one in my nonexsistant front yard :P
Either way, both are real situations and examples of a stereotype of a race. The difference is, I am more than aware that not everyone of the same race fits into them. And that is where I think the difference is.

I hope I am long dead when the aliens arrive. I don't think I want to see silver granchildren running around my yard with huge bug eyes lol
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Re: attention site modera
Post # 42
I am an green alien. RACIST!
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Re: attention site moderators
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 43
Variados I had a feeling, a feeling deep inside. So where is the mother ship?
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Re: attention site modera
Post # 44
Near the center..
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Re: attention site moderators
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 45
Great now I can go home!!!
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Re: attention site modera
Post # 46
YAY.. we can all do that..
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