want to live for ever

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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 31
what you for get the element are one every thing is one y do you think do a small thing can have such a big in pact but tear one soul i vote agaist it
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 32
Everything is "one" on the idea that everything is connected, but they are not the same.. a brick and another brick of a house are not the same brick.. yet they form the house.. The house is the one.. the bricks are connected to form the "one" yet the bricks can totally different in color, shape and sides. I am not you , and you are not me but yet we form one in the universe but on the solely idea of connection.. I WILL STILL BE ME.. and YOU WILL BE YOU!'
Variados Uruibi has spoken..
P.S. I can drink water, and breathe air.. but I cannot drink air and breathe water.
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 33
you can breathe water but you might drowned
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 34
U_U that is drinking without breathing.. causing you to drown..
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 35
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 36
I am one and you are one and *breaks out in song*...WE are the WORLD!! WE are the Children!!... I believe that while things are intertwined to form the universe ..they are at the same time alike and unique.air and water while both needed cannot change the roles they play in our physical bodies(you cant breath water and live)while light and dark are total oposites take one away..either one and life as we know it stops..........sorry I forgot what my point was..oh oh ..while my body and spirit may both be here now.one day this body will grow to old to show the youth of my spirit..and while I may leave this body..it wont be the end of me
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 37
That everything has a role to play?
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 38
look around at the world does this not same like a big story
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 39
nope.. it looks like randomness..
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Re: want to live for ever
Post # 40
for are point of veiw but look at the big pic
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