holy bible

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Re: holy bible
Post # 31
I hardly think so.. your point of view is well stated.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 32
EVERYTHING has been historically proven?

Everything? Really?

Prove to me that I am inferior to men and that women were only created as an afterthought. Prove to me that the first woman came from a friggin rib for no other reason than to amuse the guy.

Prove it to me mr. it can all be proven.

Prove the burning bush.
Prove jesus being born in a manger.
Prove how Cane and Abel were able to create children since their body parts do not work for reproduction with eachother. Because there sure as hell is no mention of of female children that I have ever seen.

I will agree there are SOME things in there that could have happened. But to say EVERYTHING happened and can be proven is stretching it.

The bible is not whole. Parts are missing which leaves many sections making little to no damn sense what so ever.

I will say it is a book that has been created with SOME decent moral stories. But it has been altered, tampered with and adjusted to the liking of others far to much to call the majority of it accurate.

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Re: holy bible
Post # 33
"I hardly think so.. your point of view is well stated." - Varidos
I thank you for that kind comment, but others may see it as an attack on Christianity and the Bible.
A religion, is supposed to help you develop your understanding of your world, your life and what you would want to do with it, not confine you to some crappy book full of morals. The Catholic Church created the Bible for control, if Jesus (if he existed) saw nowadays Christians defining Christianity by a book that was created for control, he would seriously puke at the stubborness of some Christians that succumb to the Catholic Church's "You question and you go to hell". Jesus (if he existed) would want us to be ourselves and not to be confined like Goldfish in a tank.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 34
sir_Price do u hink that princezuko5 and I r gonna gang on you? I don't think so..frankly.its ll abt individual.We all are sharing our opinion and belifs.But i want to make one thing clear to u, whether u would it or not and also it dosen't mean i want u to convert into christinity.... all iam goin' to say is what i knw so far as a christain.the thing is all u people are saying ITS A FAIRYTALES or MORAL CODE or JUST A HISTORICAL BOOK WHATEVER, BUT WHAT I WANT TO TELL YOU IS if u read the bible as a fairytale or a historical book u 'll not understand the bible (tats a gurantee). NO one can come to understand the BIBLE through human intellect or by human alone. We need help ------- SPIRITUAL help."BUT THE NATURAL MAN RECIEVETH NOT THE THINGS OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD; FOR THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS UNTO HIM: NEITHER CAN HE KNOW THEM BECAUE THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED" (1CORINTHIANS 2;14).So the bible is a spiritual book and must be unterstood spiritually.Here what paul prophesised; '' for the time wil come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but aftertheir own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the thruth, and shall be turn unto fables''.this prophesy is visible and tangible in our age.Also abt the corrupt practice of catholic institution, i admit that, but please don't sterotype all the christains as corrupt, Faith depends upon the individual and not the catholic institution.the chioce is, u obey the catholic institution or GOD.I THINK WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN THE INSTITUTION.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 35
I think the bible as a book of morals, that shape today's society.
"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."
This is direct from www.biblegateway.com, I hope this website will be a great reference that will save you time, zephyr04.
By the Spirit Of God, my Christian friend from school says that all other spirits are not holy, and will deceive you, that the only spirit to be trusted is the Holy Spirit. (the quote) This is another example of skeptics never advance, they only stay where they are, even when proof is given, they search for every possible way and theory to disprove the proof. This happens in life a lot from skeptics..
"Also abt the corrupt practice of catholic institution, i admit that, but please don't sterotype all the christains as corrupt"
Vari is catholic(or Christian?) I think, yet she is respected in many ways, as long as a religion doesn't send out annoying preachers, I don't mind them, but a religion should be like a welcoming lifestyle and not "We must spread the word!" thing.
"I THINK WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN THE INSTITUTION." - I believe Christianity is just derived from Catholicism without the Pope. But, this is your religion, and I respect all monotheistic religions, just I HATE their preachers that are running (from my pov as a non-christian) a sort of lure-and-pray campaign, because I read many conspiracies and one of them, which sort of makes some sense, and I have formed my own, the messiah of the Jews, (I believe they created Catholicism + Christianity in this theory), is actually the powerful thoughtform by the mass number of Christians believing in Jesus. Now, what kind of being doesn't want to serve their creator?
I read this on a satanist site, it's just a theory, nothing more, thought maybe some of you would have liked to hear my erratic theory..
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Re: holy bible
Post # 36
just because I think that bible is funny,that doesnt mean I dont understand it...I whas orthodox christian before I become more mature and starting to understand things from another point of view...
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Re: holy bible
Post # 37
To me,the bible has quite a number of predictions which did happened and it proven itself to be real but not all of it are true
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Re: holy bible
Post # 38
what if I tell you that in distant future comet will strike the earth,there will be world war III and or whole earth will be invaded by aliens...one of these 3 will surely happen,that isn t prophecy thats usualy called lucky guess or fact.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 39
I am a christian (because I believe in Christ) ^_^.. and Catholic.. because I chose that as my religion (such bloody religion.. full of awesomeness and cruelty... and as they say history is written by winners)but in all..I am an agnostic. Lucky guesses, and profecies are all in one.. but is not as a guess more than a connecting dots. Most people go to Nostradamus when something big happens.. because they think they will find an answer of why it happen.. for the most part (those called lucky guesses or prophecies) are accurate because people make them accurate.. yes.. you can say.. earth will be invaded by aliens.. (now.. to think that the word alien might change through the years.. this lucky guess my become less lucky..) but if you start.. describing those "aliens" in a more imaginitive way.. people will tend to fit it onto a category in the future.. and will become a prophecy.. -_- my point is that.. prophecies can be lucky guesses.. but lucky guesses cannot be prophecies.. if they are not thought deeply.. every culture or religion or anything that identifies a group will have a center idea of anything out of reach; human intellectual (for the time) for example..the world was flat for a long time.. till a crazy person said it was round.. ^_^ after that.. that earth became round.. and yet some people denied it. (Of course, the earth is round..more oval than round... but it was a crazy belief.. that end up being true) Same goes with anything the bible says.. we will never know if the bible is literal or figurative (till we die.. for some that is the end of the world ((owns self world)) till then..) We cannot tell.. what science can do for the imagination is our limitations.. imagine.. sci-fiction stories are now becoming a reality.. *_* we got scooters that fly.. Cloning is not longer of the future but present.. so.. what is left that to think... perhaps one day.. we will have zombies... running around eating brains.. (of course, that is a hard job.. I think they will go for the guts instead.. ) and probably if that happens.. ^_^ then the bible will be referred once again.. **AND THE DEAD WILL RISE** hahahaahahah.. All I am saying is that the world is not just full of facts.. because facts become myths.. and myths become facts.. -_- how so? would you ask? Some facts are merely beliefs because were proven once.. but in the future new facts will rise and some will just become common sense and others were be invalid or irrelevant.. Example.. it was a fact before that to bleed some one to death will cure them... of course now we know that is plain stupidity.. but back them.. it made sense.. O_O...(SORRY I AM BLABBLING) I do not think what I write.. therefore I do not think before posting.. it makes it more honest if I keep on typing what I am thinking (makes it more freestyle).. ^_^.. So contradict me.. and I will contradict me more.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 40
I have a feeling of misadventure of a cruise ship I saw in Sydney Harbour yesterday.. It's called the Millenium (or Millenia?) by Celebrity X Cruises. Was just a hunch, but the 7 standard lifeboats + 2 medium lifeboats + 1 emergency speedboat on each side of the cruise ship.. seemed re-ensuring.
Only a feeling, nothing more.
To Nekron - I have a feeling WW3 is about to happen, the news source we have is only the British Agency called Reuters. We haven't heard from the Russian Invasion into Georgia for quite a while. Russia was supposed to pull out its troops, but they keep delaying, and I don't remember any official word on the Russian troops being pulled out.
About the comet strike, it's very possible knowing that 1 single ozone layer is all we've got against massive rocks.. It's like a bullet proof shield, 1 bullet may not pass through, but a barrage of bullets will definitely leak through. =|
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