
CovenSpell Casters ► Quiz!

Re: Quiz!
Post # 21
I just wanted to make a note of something. The elementals associated with the circle are as follows: Gnomes are associated with Earth, Salamanders are associated with fire, Slyphs are associated with air, and Undines are associated with water.

Dryads are a type of Nymph that are associated with trees and forests. They were generally associated with one specific tree and protected and watched over that tree. The Dryads that actually lived within the tree they protected were known as Hamadrades.

The life of the Dryad and the tree were said to be linked, if something should happen to one, it would cause the death of the other.

The following sources have more information on this particular topic.



Elemental Beings by Skye Alexander >>> http://www.netplaces.com/wicca-witchcraft/the-four-elements/elemental-beings.htm

The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-Paganism " ~ Raymond Buckland.


Now then, onto your question. I don't generally study this particular topic or associated materials, but from my research, I believe that the first deity associated with that particular Zodiac sign was Pan. Though I could be wrong, as I also found articles associating it with the gods Dionysus and Saturn as well.

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Re: Quiz!
Post # 22
my sources stems from "The Way of Four" by Deborah Lipp Author and high priestess.
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 23
Never heard of her.
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 24
Oh man, Vokun is right about this.
This is not an excuse or anything. I just messed up, I wanted to write nereids instead of dryads, but that is also partially wrong.
Oh and Vokun, you are wrong.Pan wasn't the very first deity associated with Capricorn.
You lose the cookie.
To all others, I give a hint:The Capricorn is His symbol.It first was a carp and a goat, then it became the single beast Capricornus.
I think I shook to much of it out...
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 25
Capricorn is associated with the sea-goat Pricus, from Greek mythology.
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 26
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 27
Tau's wrong.
Hint:the God you're searching isn't greek.
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 28
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 29
what ways can you celebrate nyxs circle?
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 30
Lucifer is the devil.
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