making faerie bottles

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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 21
Do you really think if you capture a faery they are going to willingly help you with healing! They are not going to be happy. They are naturally peaceful but pissing them off is not wise. My advice...LET THEM BE
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 22
Well, my oceanid friends never complained. Now that our contract is technically over, they have yet to drop by for a more dangerous reason than to say "Hi."

I guess it really just matters how you treat them. If you use the "bottle" (or shell, or lamp, whatever) for your sake, trapping them to be a specimen, a pet, a slave, or a toy, of course they won't be happy.

If the bottle is meant to imitate the environment they're most comfortable in, and to give them their own private space in a place that's otherwise alien, then that's just helpful in letting beings from both worlds work together.

There are cases of fairies, especially oceanids, trapping HUMANS in jars for novelty, usually the souls of people who die in a shipwreck. One time I AP'd over to them (the ocean fairies I worked with) -- they made me a room that looked just like my physical one would if it were made out of driftwood and coral. It was pretty weird and cool.

I think they very well could have used it to trap me, but obviously they didn't. I chose who to work with very carefully, and think the fact that they seemed less careful in partnering with me means they knew they can afford to be less careful. They're powerful beings. Come to think of it my "bottle" was fanciful, since I was out of body and didn't need to breathe, but it was a thoughtful gesture.

And this season's La Niña is not my fault.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 23
For those whose initial sign is earth you should know that the fairies are drawn to you! As most who are against fairie bottles know! It is almost considered a crime amoungst nature to imprison a creature, especially one with so much power and use its power and body as a trophy.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 24
"what is La Nina?"

La Nina is weather phenomenon, a change in sea currents' temperature, causing drastic heat waves or heavy rains (when there shouldn't be.)

"I am not going to capture them! that is not what I am about, as I said and defended them!"

I think Alysia was referring to Everetta's post too?

"It is almost considered a crime amoungst nature to imprison a creature"

Then why isn't the Ravoux's Slavemaker Ant ever prosecuted? Those things are creepy.
And I still say, there are some individuals who get interested in things beyond what they were born in, and giving them their own space doesn't have to mean "prison".
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 25
who is or are the Ravoux's Slavemaker Ant, never heard of them?

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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 26
It's a species of ant that attacks other colonies, killing the workers and stealing the eggs so that they have servants. Nature can actually be a pretty careless, abusive mother. ;-P
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 27
thanx for the info ravyne
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 28
oh true or false, someone claimed that they magicked a fairy? made it out of magick, isn't that a form of cloneing etc
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 29
Yup, Dion Fortune's "Psychic Self-Defense" has a great chapter about artificial elementals. You can try a google search for the PDF file if you have Adobe Acrobat, since this book shouldn't be copyrighted anymore.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 30
I want a fare so i need a sponge cake
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