9 Rings of the Inner Mind

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Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
truely great post!! thank you for taking the time to explain it. i am trying to learn about the chakra's at the moment and this post has helped explain a few to me. blessings macus

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Here's my issue with this theory...
The chakras don't all match with what we need to "over come" to get past the ring associated with them.

For example, you speak of 3 rings for the root in which you need to open your minds eye (we will ignore that the minds eye is sometimes associated with the brow or "3rd eye" chakra), visualization and lucid dreaming.

The root or base chakra is not associated with any of these things and would actually be counter productive to work use these things while working with it.
The root is about being in the now, security, being grounded, feeling at home and comfortable in situations, ect.
To open your minds eyes, visualize and perform lucid dreaming take away from the key principal behind this chakra.

The sacral is about sexual desires and the ability to express emotion in a balance manner without leaning toward any one side of the spectrum.
The solar plexus is about self confidence.
The heart you have partially correct. It's about emotion, but specifically love (unconditional), trust, kindness, affection, all the positive associations with the human emotion.
I'll give you the throat, but I question when you say that the inner voice "may try to trick you". Your inner voice does not trick you. It is a part of you and to say it would trick you would be to say you trick yourself. If anything, it brings out all thoughts and ideas you have...good bad and indifferent.
The brow is about intuition and seeing beyond what is there. I'm not sure about your methods to opening this, but I question the purpose of calling anything to achieve it.
Finally, the crown is about your own divinity and your closeness with the divine. The ability to see past lives could be more closely associated with the brow than the crown in my opinion.

I'm all for theories and pushing ourselves to think, however I am confused as to how you came to the conclusions you did about these chakra associations as they seem to not match up for the most part.

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
Post # 5
Thank you for your input, it really helps, and I will definitely need to make revisions and the inner voice by tricking you is actually to protect you, for crown chakra contains powerful knowledge that can overwhelm you, and thus tries you steer you away, and I will need to revise my theory based on base chakra, and I was trying by the way, to connect the levels with the ones easiest to access to the hardest to access, and since the base is the first chakra I made it the easiest to enter (having it be the darkness from when you close your eyes since it is the easiest to do, and then working forward to the most difficult (all the complex things you have to do in the Ajna to reach the Sahasrara, the end goal. Thank you for telling me straight, for I am actually new to all the domains and meanings behind the chakras and this was just a rough draft to get my ideas out there, and thanks to your input I can make revisions and make a final draft.

Post # 6
9 times out of ten the "little voice" is your intuition talking and it does everything but trick you. It's pretty darn accurate to say the least and people should listen to it more often. What screws you up is when you listen to your head and over riding that gut feelings.

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
Post # 7
Alright, I have gathered a few sources, one of which the Chakra thread from our very own Deep Arts, and am ready to use these revisions to make the official guide to: the 9 Rings, the 7 Chakras, and the passing from one ring to another.

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Before you write this theory, I would suggest taking time to test it out. With your admittance to not fully knowing or understanding the chakras in the first place, it makes the theory based on an idea more than on an experience, which is fine, but you may find experiencing it to be far more valuable than just talking about it ;)

Take the time to really explore each chakra, then develop a theory.

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
Post # 9
Agreed. Most of my theories come from years of exploring different areas and working with them to prove them to be for the most part spot. Mine do not come from text books or anyone else's ideas. However when doing most of my research I took an idea and worked with it to come up with my own. Either i happened to agree with them or come to realize they was way off base.

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
Post # 10
Alright, I will try it out, and thank you so much RashnuX for letting me know what you think on my theories, it really helps me stay on my toes and dive deeper into my research to answer your questions and support my ideas.

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
Post # 11
This is a great thread. I would like to add, simply, that there is more to our 'inner voice' than our intuition. Much of our inner voice is repetition of constuctive and non-constructive programming that we are all subjected to in our lives, particularly when growing through our childhoods. For example, the inner voice of "I can't do this" or "I am bad" would come from messages given to us externally, that have become a part of our internal dialogue. Positive messages like "You are valuable" will also have the same effect and become integral components of how we approach challenges in our lives.

As adults, it is our developmental responsibily to isolate these messages, and to keep or replace them in such a way as we deem fit :)

Re: 9 Rings of the Inner Mind
By: / Novice
Post # 12
Hmm has there actually been any progress from this post or did it just collapse, the essence of progression is discussion and learning, would like to here how your progress is going, is a valuable learning curve for us beginners on possibly what to expect.

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