Presence in Our House

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Re: Presence in Our House
Post # 11

Sounds like shadow people or the famed hat man.

Good game, you're going to be in for a long one.

I never see shadow people or the hat man, though, because I don't think I could ever naturally experience sleep paralysis like others have, and when I did it was usually mixed with lucid dreaming anyway, so I can't really help you much there.

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Re: Presence in Our House
Post # 12
sounds like some sort of demon
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Re: Presence in Our House
Post # 13
I work very closely with my guardians and they often help me with weird visitors that might sneak in on me. While I've never had sleep paralysis (Thank the gods), I have had weird things float into my room to tease me at night.

I second the suggestion to use salt. Sprinkle/pour it around the areas you think the entity is hiding. I would have a very experienced person, if you can find one, trap the entity in a mirror, then bury the mirror reflective side down someplace remote, like a field. Do not bury it on your property! Tar water sprinkled on the areas you've felt the presence may help, too.

Good luck to you!
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