Chaos magik

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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 11
I Wish to Know all About Necromancer Spells

and Become a Lich ... A real Necromancer Skills ...

and Spells ...

Any Body ? ...
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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 12
i want to learn also
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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 13

magick is about open communication, and the spreading of spells, rituals, curses, and hexes.

the more knowledge we all posses, the nearer humanity comes to decency.

to treat knowledge as something like currency, is quite, well in my opinion wrong...others possibly/probably feel differently.

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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 14
Let me count....

There were more than 50 people said that they want to make coven of chaos.

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Re: Chaos magik
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 15
me too!! :)
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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 16
I wouldn't be against learning some chaos magick.
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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 17
Chaos magick is the most basick form of magick, it is it's simplicity that gives it it's power, a coven for chaos would be great, but unfortunately true Chaotes have so many different paradigms that it would be hard to actually have a coven of like minded individuals, because yes all would be chaotes and we woudl share the tiniest of fellow beliefs but what we believe in our truest essence would differ so greatly that common ground would become something very uneven. If you take what makes most sense to you without any of the fancy or frills of most magick practices what you are left with is true chaos, true use of the chaos energy from which all creation/destruction comes. But that's just my two cents worth, maybe it works well, either way, if i can ever help anyone with some help with Chaos let me know and be peacefull.
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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 18
you must understand though that chaos magick is more individualistic and diverse in beliefs than try and teach something that is compromised more of personal experience, scientific theories, different religions, and mathematics than of a single unifiable belief system, would be quite difficult.

chaos magick as i was taught to think of, is simply viewing the world as subjective, and that if you believe something it exists....and if you cease to believe it, it no longer exists. correct me if im wrong, but chaos magick is just a mix of many religions so chosen by the practitioner, with a bit of its own central ideas.

it seems like a shaky concept to build a coven on.

just my two cents.

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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 19
um just a thought choas is more indidvusial driven.sure you could start a coven on it.but as the title implies it probly wont last long.tho for the record i think its a great idea
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Re: Chaos magik
Post # 20
i was creating a coven specificly for the art and study of necromancy how about we form an alliance
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