Basic Healing

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Re: Basic Healing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
But they are "very" basic! Every disease he/she has quoted in that last post would result in death. To try to cure cancer with that system. no matter how much time there is, would result in death. As I said, perhaps a common cold or headache, yes. Other than that sort of thing, no chance. By the way, there are excellent doctors in India. We have quite a few over here. My own GP is from India.
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Re: Basic Healing
Post # 12
I have to say, and this may be rare, that I had an Aunt diagnosed with breast cancer and she used herbal remedies and died at 98 years old.
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Re: Basic Healing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
Yes, sometimes a cancer will regress by itself, and that is usually breast cancer! But, there are many types of cancer, they are not all alike! Anyone with a bowel cancer, or brain tumour, would definitely die without proper, professional treatment.
But, as I have said, Starmaster's method may well make the patient feel better,be soothed, and given confidence. But to try to cure cancer? That, is dangerous!
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Re: Basic Healing
Post # 14
I healthy dose of skepticism can go a long way.....
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Re: Basic Healing
By: / Novice
Post # 15
They are both good arguments! Reading this post, I feel that Starwalker will be a very good healer, I sense an intense amount of empathy. Empaths always make great healers! But Brysing is spot-on also in his counter-argument; there are just some illnesses and ailments that can only be treated professionally by experts, such as coronary diseases, cancers, and other serious and life-threatening conditions. We should never, ever assume that we can counter these with magick alone; even the healers of our ancestors could not treat every disease or ailment. Archaeologists always find skeletal remains of those souls claimed by diseases that a regimen of treatments and antibiotics can heal today. And with the rise of lawsuits, even frivolous ones, it is better to be safe than sorry. We would be wise to consider the fact that should a person decease under our care, or progress to a worse condition,we would be held accountable for their soul in a court of law; perhaps even the Gods, if we serve these, and they might not take too kindly to such a deed. But again, I do believe that Starwalker will be a fine healer, a benefit to his community.
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Re: Basic Healing
By: / Novice
Post # 16
Well i wouldnt worry too much about it. I dont know about other countries but in the u.s. If you have a fatal illness, you usualy receive social security and medicare to pay for living expenses and medical bills. Its government money paid by taxpayers and in order to receive it you have to keep up your doctor apts. And comply with treatment. And if you live in a country without medical coverage for the poor, then this type of healing would be handy to know also.
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Re: Basic Healing
By: / Novice
Post # 17
Despite the fact that serious medical illnesses should be treated by modern medicines, herbal remedies have been known to be of great asset in the medical field and a great deal of medications today have a herbal base. I would not focus my entire efforts on seeking 'natural' and 'alternative' healing methods, but they do have an extraordinary way of healing a person.
Brysing, you made a point about how StarWalker's methods would make a person feel better. The psychology and mental state of a sick patient is almost as pertinent to healing as the medication itself. The human mind is capable of great things, and it is proven, in several scientific studies(Studies that I will not list due to redundancy and Google). People who are religious, have loved ones, great will of living and self belief have astronomically higher survival rates than those who lack any one of these. And while StarWalkers point was not made on the importance of love and belief, the belief that these will heal, even if these methods have actual medical use, is enough to provide a great amount of stability.
Love, comfort, belief has taken 15% cancer survival rates and lived where others have perished for lack of faith and love. Simple things such as relaxation and many other factors that StarWalker listed can greatly improve ones psych and health.

And while I absolutely, do not, condone the use of alternative healing methods when there are other, more professional methods, the use of StarWalker's techniques and many others, in conjunction to professional treatment will do more than cure a simple headache, and at the very least provide a sort of placebo effect that will improve the patients psych, ease tension on the body and make healing an easier path.

I really can provide a copious amount of factual and biological information on the effects of stress and the human psyche on health, I will settle though for my disjointed rant. While I certainly see where Brysing comes from, and will defiantly say that excluding professional help is usually more harm than good, I will certainly say also, that alternative healing can herald great benefits if done properly and more than an ounce of belief.
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Re: Basic Healing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 18
Yes,Gecko. That really is a sensible post!
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Re: Basic Healing
By: / Novice
Post # 19
In a country where access is limited at best, a placebo effect can go a long way. There is ample evidence to suggest this, as Gekko noted. Faith healers work along these same lines. The key to that is the afflicted truly believe they will heal with their whole being. I just made the "better safe than sorry" statement because here in the U.S., there is a culture that is dedicated to eradicating the old ways, and punishing those who dare defy the system. Our F.D.A.(Food and Drug Administration) are almost Gestapo-like in their pursuit and punishment of "Natural Remedies" and those who practise them.
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