
Forums ► Other Paths ► Religion?

Re: Religion?
Post # 11
Definetly focus on self indepindence
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Re: Religion?
Post # 12
The fact that you're making it up as you go scares me
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Re: Religion?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
Focus on your spiritual development and learn something new everyday. We are all ever changig so not many people stick with one religion thier whole life. If u focus on yourself and who u really are and what yiu believe in than you will find little need of religion. However if you find like so many others you must put a name to it, than I would look at pre exsisting religions that supply what you need.
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Re: Religion?
Post # 14
I know that this is a really late reply, but I would like to point out that a religion called Omnism exists, and focuses on the belief that all Gods exist or are equally valid; that all religions are true or share an element of common truth; that religions are equal and that nobody should be put down for following the way they justify the nature of the Universe. There is no real set belief system for Omnism, which is great if you have a belief but other religions that are too strict and rule-oriented exclude that belief. The main tenet of Omnism would be, however, that all religions have at least a common truth and that as such the religious beliefs of people are equal; that nobody should be put down as a result.
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