
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► werewolves

Re: werewolves
Post # 11
U never know there are many misterys in the world i always believed in mysitical creatures of the dark and of the light, anway when i cam to NM passing all the trees felt like i was always being watched but i did see something i what i dk waht it was but it was big and covered in fur looked like it was walking but wasnt sure if eye were playing triks on me....
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Re: werewolves
Post # 12
I worry more of demons then creatures. Lol.
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Re: werewolves
Post # 13
I believe they exist. Simple as that.

Werewolves have been involved in A LOT of folklore. And hey, we're effing witches and mages... How in the WORLD can't werewolves exist, neh?
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Re: werewolves
Post # 14
i myself am a lycian angel or werewolf angel a dragon and wolf i don't understand it fully but i have tons of new abilltys because of this
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