making faerie bottles

Forums ► Magic Items ► making faerie bottles

Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 11
Cruel? They can leave anytime. Lol.
Thats the thing about them, all it does is "bind" them to it but for some reason they can always get away.
If it was permanant I t'would nover do it. Lol.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 12
A friend of mine who's an elemental mage told me how. First, make sure the vessel is one with a comfortable elemental imprint. If you're talking about empty glass bottles, then you're probably after air fairies, right? 'cause the bottle would be filled with air. Fire fairies are more popularly put in lamps because lamps carry fire-- if they are in a bottle, it probably held something flammable like liquor or perfume.

To tempt the air fairy into the bottle, bait with sponge cake. I think that was metaphorical... like, just make the vessel a place the fairy wants to be in, because it's still "in its element" as described above, but also that you can offer it a far better life than it would have living wild.

Say, to tempt an ocean fairy to come back inland with you and live in a shell, offer it something more exciting than making currents and foam-- (it better be something REALLY good, 'cause it's leaving the Ocean to live in an awful dry apartment) like telling love stories every night in exchange for it helping you with healing. I've heard earth fairies bound to clay pots or geodes give wisdom but take memories as payment, which sounds kind of purpose-defeating but ok. I wouldn't know what air and fire fairies would like... intelligence and power, perhaps? Honor? Energy?

You could bind them by the command of their ruler's name (King Paralda, I think it is, for Air,) or by the corresponding names of the God and angels (which come to think of it could be rulers and fairies of the sphere of Spirit.) But I think it would probably be easier for both to make the vessel a telephone for all the fairies of an element from an area, instead of home for just one... but if you want to keep just one, you ought to set the parameters in the vessel like "stay as long as the vessel is intact" or "allow the vessel to hold like a home, but not trap." Then it can leave whenever.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 13
I know this will proberly sound stupid but where do you find faries please!
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 14
in little circles of mushrooms

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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 15
Actually, I've been wanting to make a Faery Bottle myself.
I just need to know what kind of faery I need to help me in healing.
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 16
why do you have to capture fairies, they should be left be, can you not simnply as it to help in a bid to swap for a tasty treat, you don't have to capture them and store them as a trophy!!
as and if you are worthy then you shall have!
perhaps they don't come to you becuse they know of you intention!
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 17
I agree faeries should be left alone so they can do their magical work...
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 18
When I was 6 I had a friend who's mum was a faery priestess and my friend said that he always used to see sylphs floating around in his garden (it was absoloutley COVERED in trees!) once I went round to his house because he had phoned me, saying that I really had to see an amazing thing he had caught. When I got there I saw a fire sylph actually trapped in a bottle and him examining it under a microscope, saying that he would take a picture and show it to everyone to prove that faes existed! Even though it completley prostrated our friendship, I snatched the bottle from him and released the sylph from its imprisonment. I hated to do it since that was the last day I ever spoke to him, but trapping faeries in bottles can lead to debacle results...and not for the faery!
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 19
well magick prince that was the best thing you could of done for both the fairy and your friend, he will thank you in the long run, prividing he hasn't caught anymore!

is it true that fairies are in the woods you see i live near the woods and surounded my trees, I always feel drawn to go into the woods at a particular part, anyone know why this is?
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Re: making faerie bottles
Post # 20
The forest may consist of fae enchantment and you are somehow gifted with the ability to sense their presence, but perhaps they are aware of your powers and are trying to attract you to the forest for some kind of perhaps. The faeries are an extremley cunning race of beings, I should know, and they've given you this gift for a purpose. They need you for something...
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